Filling the Satirical Void: Taking on Trump and Political Comedy Amidst the WGA & SAG Strike

Hey there, fellow comedy enthusiasts and political satire lovers! I’m Ken Sheetz, a not so famous comic, when I am not blogging and traveling the world for quantum meditation all the way from Egypt and Antarctica, who has been navigating the vast world of entertainment, from producing world-class content for PBS to churning out hundred of short films and documentaries with over 40 million views of my YouTube work since 2008. But today I’m here to talk about something that’s been on everyone’s radar – the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and Screen Actors Guild (SAG) strikes – and how folks like me who love democracy feel obligated to up to the plate to fill the void with much-needed political comedy.

A Righteous Battle for Fairness

Since May, the WGA and SAG strikes have been making righteous waves in an entertainment industry suffering from the same billionaire bullies afflicting all areas of our nation’s great economy with their unbridled greed. These strikes are all about superb talent demanding fair compensation, better working conditions, and a more inclusive and equitable space for all creatives, as well as protection for job replacement by AI. As an independent filmmaker of 26 years, that followed a highly successful 25 years commercial real estate career that culminated in my building a $162 million skyscraper alongside Oprah’s Harpo Studios before leaving it all behind to be a filmmaker, who’s seen firsthand the effort that goes into creating captivating content, I wholeheartedly support the strikers.

Filling the Void with Humor: Enter “”

But with late-night shows going on hiatus due to the strikes, there’s a noticeable gap in the realm of political satire at a time where we all desperately need it as a gentle weapon in the fight to save democracy. That’s where I come in. You might know me from my work on PBS or my myriad YouTube projects, but one thing you might not be aware of is my ongoing satirical journey called “Trumps Fever Dream.” To think it all began on this meditation blog catered to the conscious movement that’s been highly targeted for dangerous brainwashing my Trump and his MAGA, Q and Russian backers. This brand political humor targeted to appeal to the country as whole, in addition to the beautiful niche community of this meditation blog. Get ready for an irreverent science fiction dark comedy take on the Donald Trump of another universe where karma really is a bitch. Hence the new blog where I am min the process of launching season 3 and reposting seasons 1 &2!

This pet project, to which my beautiful wife lends her considerable talents to as well, as an editors of books and a talented amateur actor, has been my way of poking fun at the very former President since 2020. I began “Trump Fever Dream” in the depths of Covid that sadly separated my wife and I from many people in the New Age world. We hope once the grip if Trumpism has been defeated once and for all to reconnect. Yeah, we’re both optimists. Me more so than my wife who has 17 years of military service that makes her more skeptical.

Fun fact: My first comedy writing work where I trained and cut my professional teeth on was for a pilot about a New Age healer who sent people via VR into old sitcoms. I wrote itin 1998 with one of the top ten line producers in Hollywood sitcoms, John Amodeo,and an award winning Canadian producer named, Nicolette Saina. It’s called EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT LIFE I LEARNED FROM SITCOMS. Studios loved it but were scared off by the enormous job of rights clearances. I’ve also written over a dozen comedy screenplays during the ten years I lived in worked in Hollywood. None have been produced.. yet. Just how tough it is to make it in Hollywood is the topic of my documentary DISCOVER ME. Here’s free screening of the film I completed in 2012.

So for decades I’ve been using satire to offer a fresh perspective on entertainment and politics when I am not dreaming up far out meditations like this one in Antarctica.

Back to politics. Be they of the right or the left, I’ve skewered all politicians fequally for well over a decade. But in 2015 when Trump glided down the escalator to spew racism my satire took a more urgent turn to fight against a corrupted and the dangerous right-wing fascist movement Trump has fostered. Then in 2020, as tens of thousand of Americans began to die needlessly I redoubled my efforts with the birth of my absurd story of the Trump of another universe. The episodes are no longer available here on this meditation blog they were born on because I want to stay focused on the coolest meditations ever here.

Introducing “MAR A LAGO PRISON”: A New Season in Satire

And now, I’m excited to share a new episode in this satirical journey. Drumroll, please! Tune into our new channel today at 5 PM, and it’s called “MAR A LAGO PRISON.” Season 3 promises you even more out-of-the-box political satire that offers an alternative lens through which to view today’s political landscape. Something we’re all missing during the righteous WGA and SAG strike.

With the strikes causing a pause in the usual comedic routine as we miss the work of the greats like Colbert, Kimmel, Meyers and more, it’s important for smaller comics like me to step up and keep the political conversation going through humor. It’s not about replacing late-night shows, I could never offer that without a pro WGA writing staff or SAG actors, but I am dedicated to adding my unique voice and the voice of my love and partner in all things Elizabeth England to the web’s mix and continuing the tradition of political satire that we all love. and need to cope. Indeed, laughter is the best medicine against Trump’s bad leadership that causing so much tension in this nation and this world.

Conclusion: Laughter, Reflection, and Moving Forward

So, mark your calendars for 5 PM today, grab some popcorn, and let’s dive into this new chapter of political comedy. Your support means the world to me, and together, we’ll keep the laughter flowing and the discussions alive. Listen to MAR A LAGO PRISON right here and subscribe on YouTube to get more of season three. We’ll be posting new episodes twice a month!

Billionaires: Can We Talk? Exploring “Survival of the Richest” and the Urgent Need for Responsible Stewardship

It all began when a group of five enigmatic billionaires invited Douglas Rushkoff to an exclusive gathering at a posh desert private retreat center, paying for one on one time with the well regarded theorist. Their rich guys objective? To discuss strategies for enduring the imminent “Event,” a catastrophic game ender, such as climate change that they themselves are fostering, throwing humanity into a dystopian future they seek to escape.

Rushkoff soon realized that these individuals were driven by The Mindset, a fearful, pessimistic viewpoint, to use old school Hollywood pitch style of brevity, is like “The Hunger Games” Meets “Mad Max.” A fear based solipsistic belief that the hyper privileged can defy the principles of physics, economics, government and ordinary mortal ethics in order to evade the consequences of their own actions, as if they possess sufficient wealth and advanced technology to depart this planet or reality.

This incredible meeting inspired Rushkoff’s new book “Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires.” Let’s unpack the book and the hopeful message it ultimately can deliver to billionaires who still retain some grasp of our true reality.

In an era defined by unbridled wealth accumulation, the rise of billionaire preppers has become a perplexing and wildly disconcerting trend. These individuals, cursed by their own outsized success that has served to disconnect them from normal reality, are driven by the fear of societal collapse, investing enormous sums to secure their own survival in the face of impending catastrophe. However, “Survival of the Richest” challenges this selfish approach and implores billionaires to redirect their efforts towards protecting and nurturing the world we share.

The Illusion of Escape:

The notion of escaping a collapsing world, as portrayed in films like “Elysium,” might seem alluring to those with unfathomable wealth. The movie depicts a dystopian future where the ultra-rich reside in a pristine, luxurious space station while the rest of humanity grapples with poverty and decay on Earth. Regrettably, this escapist mindset has seeped into the real world, with some billionaires embracing the idea that they can buy their way to safety, leaving the majority of humanity to fend for themselves.

“Survival of the Richest”: A Call for Responsibility:

In their groundbreaking book, “Survival of the Richest,” theorist author, Douglas Rushkoff confronts this dangerous ideology head-on. He argues that billionaires should recognize their unique position of power and wealth and utilize it to address the systemic issues threatening our world, not run from it. With a wit and humor that borders on gallows humor at times, Rushkoff remind billionaires that escaping to a private enclave or a luxurious bunker is a Band-Aid solution does nothing to address the root causes of global challenges such as climate change, income inequality, and social unrest.

However, in the book he describes he pointed our to them kindness is better for creating loyalty when money loses its power in an apolcalypse the response. “For how long?”, must they be kind, was not exactly encouraging.

The Need for Collective Action:

Rather than retreating into self-contained enclaves, billionaire preppers should embrace their potential as change agents. They possess the resources and influence to make a substantial impact on society and the planet. By directing their efforts towards sustainable technologies, renewable energy, and innovative philanthropy, billionaires can actively participate in shaping a future that benefits everyone.

Harnessing Technological Innovation:

One of the most powerful tools at the disposal of billionaires is their ability to drive technological advancement. Investing in sustainable energy solutions, supporting scientific research, and fostering innovation can pave the way for a greener, more equitable world. By diverting resources from individualistic endeavors to collaborative ventures, billionaires can catalyze progress that benefits all of humanity.

Philanthropy Beyond Charity:

While philanthropy is commendable, billionaires must go beyond traditional acts of charity. Instead of focusing solely on addressing the symptoms of societal problems, they should engage in systemic change. By addressing the root causes of issues like poverty, lack of education, and healthcare disparities, billionaires can create a sustainable framework that promotes equal opportunities for all.

Collaboration and Responsibility:

To achieve lasting impact, billionaires need to collaborate with governments, nonprofits, and civil society organizations. Rather than relying solely on individual initiatives, they must leverage their networks and expertise to forge meaningful partnerships that can drive large-scale change. By actively engaging with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, billionaires can harness collective intelligence and ensure their efforts are aligned with the needs and aspirations of society.


The era of billionaire preppers evading societal collapse through personal fortresses, sending their disembodied consciousness into cyber space, colonizing the oceans or outer space is an unrealistic unsustainable and morally dubious path. “Survival of the Richest” serves as a wake-up call, urging billionaires to assume their responsibilities as stewards of the planet and active contributors to societal progress. By investing the wealth they gained from the rest of us normies not as motivated by the almighty dollar in sustainable technologies, by fostering innovation, and pursuing systemic change through philanthropic endeavors, billionaires can contribute to a future that thrives for all.

5 eye opening stars. Great listen on Kindle. “Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires”

Farewell, Sweet Lioness

My sweet yet tough mother Georgiana, who passed just a painful 24 hours ago, loved her me, the oldest, and my eventual two brothers with the courage of a lioness.

My Korean War veteran father was a wonderful man most of the time, but he was born of an era where men were encouraged by the Catholic church and an unchallenged white patriarchy to rule the home in sometimes violent ways. But always, after retreating to safety of her sisters where Mom could lick her wounds, she would return home to care for and love us all, Dad included, unconditionally.

She repeated this feat of love many times for 30 years until all three of her sons were raised and then she swiftly divorced my father to begin a new life with my stepfather Nick, a kinder gentler man, who passed before her 5 years ago. They would enjoy three happy decades together until a terrible stroke took the Navy WW2 vet and her fellow lover of Vegas life.

For the last few years of her 94 years on the planet, Alzheimer’s began to rob her of her memory, but with a bit struggle, Mom always knew who I was and loved hearing from me. On what would turn out to be final call few weeks ago, I am glad I told her I loved her, as I’d done all through her hospice, and that if she passed before our next call now much I appreciated all she gave me in this life.

Yesterday, I felt the urge to call Mom in her Wisconsin nursing home, where she was in hospice, on a weekday, when I normally call on weekends. And the gently nurse told me Mom had just passed an just hour earlier. The sweet nurse spent time telling me how much the staff and patients had come to enjoy Georgiana; always quick with a joke or an affectionate poke.

Mom lived to see me happily married to my amazing Elizabeth, at the tender age of 67. She loved Elizabeth like a daughter, always asking me to give Elizabeth a hug for her even to our last phone call.

My mother will be missed terribly by many. I sometimes wonder why she clung so desperately to life in the twilight of her battle with Alzheimer’s and would even ask her what still gave her the will to live on in what was a strange agony. She never could pinpoint an answer for me. But my beautiful mother the lioness loved and cared for her cubs to very end. Perhaps that was enough.

Farewell, sweet lioness and welcome back to the unborn.

Harnessing Capitalism For the Good of Us All: ChatGPT’s AI Answer to Solving the Human Flaw of Greed

Scientist/ Philosopher Carl Sagan once wrote, “The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.” Yet, despite our tiny place in the grand scheme of the universe, we have managed to exert an immense and often devastating impact on our planet. From climate change and pollution to deforestation and resource depletion, we have pushed our planet to the brink of collapse. If we are to survive and thrive in the future, we must fundamentally update our economic systems, particularly capitalism, to ensure they promote environmental sustainability and social equity.

Ten years ago, I dreamed Sagan big in Antarctica near the end of the Mayan calendar on 12.12.12 and created The Coolest Meditation Ever film. The goal: set 24 quantum intentions for shifts to human evolution into the collective consciousness in the pristine energy field of the south polar magnetic fields. Yeah, I know. Big stuff. But, you see, I learned long ago as the maker of films and skyscrapers dreaming big is what stirs our souls. Here in the 18th of 24 paradigm on meditating on shifting meditation greed to generosity in our collective consciousness.

Meditation 18 From the film THE COOLEST MEDIATION EVER; ANTARCTICA 12.12.12

At its core, capitalism is based on the pursuit of profit, growth, and individual wealth. While these goals have driven much of the progress and innovation of the modern world, they have also led to environmental degradation, social inequality, and an unsustainable use of resources. To truly address the challenges of the 21st century, we need a new economic paradigm, one that prioritizes sustainability and equitable distribution of resources.

The first step in updating capitalism is to recognize the true cost of our actions on the environment. Too often, companies and individuals are able to externalize the environmental costs of their actions, pushing them onto future generations or onto vulnerable populations. We need to develop systems that hold individuals and corporations accountable for their environmental impact, through policies like carbon taxes, polluter pays laws, and regulations on resource extraction and use.

Additionally, we need to invest in new technologies and innovations that promote environmental sustainability. This includes renewable energy, green transportation, sustainable agriculture, and clean manufacturing. By prioritizing these industries and creating economic incentives for their growth, we can not only reduce our environmental impact, but also create new jobs and industries for the future.

But updating capitalism also means promoting social equity and justice. Environmental degradation and resource depletion often fall hardest on marginalized communities, particularly in the Global South. To address this, we need to ensure that economic policies promote social equity and justice, including living wages, worker protections, and social safety nets.

10 years post the Antarctica meditations humanity has the new tool of AIs to help humanity see the forest for the trees in ending greed. And so, using my human experience of serving corporate America for my decades, a simple yet challenging question:

ChatGPT, please design a program for creating an incentive for corporation to put the general public’s concerns on a mpre equal basis to its shareholders and here’s what it came up with.

  1. Creation of the SRIF: The government could create a publicly-owned investment fund that focuses on socially responsible investments. The SRIF would be managed by a team of financial experts who would be responsible for selecting investments that align with specific social and environmental goals.
  2. Investment Criteria: The investment criteria for the SRIF would be focused on promoting positive social and environmental outcomes. For example, the fund could invest in companies that have a strong record of reducing their carbon footprint, promoting workplace diversity, or investing in local communities. The investment team would also evaluate the financial performance of potential investments to ensure that they are financially sound and likely to generate a profit.
  3. Profit-Sharing Model: The profits generated by the SRIF would be shared between the government and the general public. The government could use its share of the profits to fund public programs and services, while the general public could receive a dividend or other financial benefit. This profit-sharing model would ensure that the financial gains generated by the SRIF are not limited to a small group of shareholders, but are distributed more broadly to benefit the public.
  4. Transparency and Accountability: To ensure that the SRIF is operating in the best interest of the general public, it would be subject to strict transparency and accountability measures. The investment team would be required to regularly report on the fund’s financial performance and the social and environmental impact of its investments. The SRIF could also be subject to regular audits and independent evaluations to ensure that it is meeting its stated goals.

Overall, the SRIF would provide a profit incentive that is aligned with the public interest. By investing in socially responsible companies and sharing the profits with the general public, the program would promote positive social and environmental outcomes while also generating financial returns.

I find this solution rational and practical by the AI because it does not subtract from how capitalism works. Rather the AI adds a new player to the board room table, we the people. What do you think of ChatGPT’s SRIF idea?

If you’d like to a support this blog’s gentle form of activism through meditation that helps people awaken to the dangers of runaway climate change in particular please donate at, where you can watch the 24 Antarctica meditations for free, or pick out some cool New Age tech we’ve curated in our filming of stars of the conscious community like Dr. Patrick Flanagan and Jonathan Goldman on our sister site

Looking For Peace? Go Within…

Hope this short but sweet post finds you and your loved ones well in every way.

Peace. We all crave it. But in an era when our sick establishment seeks to “dominate” peaceful BLM protesting over George Floyd wrongful death and demanding change, smack in the midst of a pandemic, peace seems more elusive than ever.

The answer is, as it was before all this trouble came blessedly to dominate the news cycle, meditation.  Here’s a great look at the peace meditation brings from acclaimed filmmaker Dave Lynch. Watch the entire 19:50 video. You’ll be glad you did.


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One Theory for Letting Go of the Judgement of Good and Evil

What if the Humanity Was Simply A Species With Many Forms of Conscious Reality Inter-folded Thought Universes, Projected on a 3D Framework Called Earth and All of it In Pain About Lack of Mutual Respect?

Wouldn’t accepting that tricky premise

Make life sweeter, reducing menace?

Hear me out, duality known as brother and sister

For ideas are flowing out of my head like a twister

On a new moon night

When fancy takes flight

On golden Zepher wings

Elizabeth kissed me to a new dimension tonight

A dimension of pure delight

She’ll never know how grateful

I am to have her as my brideful

On Leap Year night

I reach new height

Fashioned of love never-ending

Time and space a bending

From the distance of these mental heights

I see the bubble universes of many mights

A puzzle for humanity unfolding

Gaze past all judging and scolding

Of the Good over Evil’s itch

Of the Poor over the Rich

A rich sorely misunderstood

“How can the Poor not see our good?”

Say the Rich lamenting,

“Of our abundant manifesting!”

Rich people feel they’re better

Because they believe they ARE better

At endless abundance generation

Not seeing the Poor’s love concentration

Leaves them less desirous of things

And more interested in angel wings

In the Poor human’s universe

The Rich are viewed as perverse

After all Jesus said, ” It is easier for a camel

To pass thru the eye of a needle.

Than for a Rich man to enter

The gates of Heaven’s center.”

So the Poor see the Rich as evil and vent

Causing the Rich hate Poor for their judgement

“If you Poor,” they complain,” see not our magnificence

Then relentless attack upon the Poor is our best defense.”

Perhaps, and I don’t really know,

But perhaps, if the rich let go

And stop hurting the poorest

Then perhaps, just perhaps, then mirth

And peace will break out upon the Earth

TRUE peace this world has never seen

Wealth shared freely

With our populace gratefully

Raising up the Rich to new heights

Of adoration Justly without new fights

Bringing us a new way

To live come what may

This ET view of what lies here below

On the earthly realities we each sow

Wishes for peace between all living consciousness

Co-existing harmoniously in loving oneness

A new reality crafted of many dimensions

Living peacefully in good intentions

Many species, human and otherwise

One cannot help surmise

The gummy drop realities

Sparkle in multi-dimensionalities

Good is just a slice of space time

No different than the infinite rest

Evil an angry dimension

One that must learn to keep to itself

Make no more mischief, oh evil elf

Focus love on this ball in space

Where every creed and race

Is dutifully recorded frame by frame

In the Akashic record, name by name

If we work hard enough

If we are tough enough

If we are smart enough

If we are loving enough

We will find a way

And save the day

For this this planet

Made of magical granite

End OHOM (Open Heart Open Mind) transmission.

I want to dedicate this channeled ET poem, maybe a song or film one day, to my love, my wife, my everything Elizabeth Mary England.

I know how hard it will be to live the ideal of this ET poem. But, hey, no one ever said overlapping all the dimensions of this globe’s population, increased to this absurd density, would be easy did they?

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At the Sphinx with Elizabeth with the abundance field enhancing Sensor V medallion by Dr. Flanagan offered at



What Will the Next 91 Years Bring?

My dear mother Georgiana turned 91 yesterday. And so I began meditating on the amazing change she’s seen so far as it relates to the changes we will be seeing in the next 91 years and setting intentions in the quantum field for a bright future.

Born in the roaring twenties she’s lived through the Great Depression. What might the next recession or depression look like and what can we do to prepare for it?

She lived through World War ll, and many other American wars from Korea to today. Today the Middle East is more unstable than ever. A black hole for politicians. Witness Syria news of the day and the US abandoning our ally the Kurds.

She’s contributed to the world population quadrupling in her lifetime with three boys of her own. Where’s overpopulation heading?

Countless inventions have made her life easier and advances in modern medicine have given her great odds of living past 100. But are we heading for a TERMINATOR like future with our outsized military budgets and technology?

She’s seen the pollution of our planet wax and wane and wax again. Sadly, she has lived long enough to see the oceans begin to die and global warming threaten all life.

My mom has thrived and survived under 16 presidents from Coolidge to Trump, who BTW she considers our worst president ever. And considering she lived through Hoover’s Great Depression that’s saying a lot. Are we heading for a Civil War as the Dems seek to oust Trump before he can use foreign powers to influence our elections?

Music has gone from the Charleston to rap. The Hippies became the Yuppies. And the Millennials emerged. Guessing where music is going is impossible. But I certainly like to see an end to corporatized music.

She has seen the rise and fall of the American middle-class, the outbreak of AIDs, the rise of gay rights, mass genocide, the legalization of Marijuana in her home state and the epidemic of opioids. Are we likely to see the integration of technology and biology?

But in all this change and more, despite the loss of so many loved ones, my sweet if unpredictable little brother Fred included and pictured below with me an Mom, she has remained a rock and a loving mother, grandmother and now great-grandmother.


Happy birthday to my mother, Georgiana. And here’s to the next 91 years.

Your Invite to Break the Speed of Light – Part 3

Guest Blogger: The Spirit of Robin Williams
Me in my favorite movie WHAT DREAMS MAY COME. Big Hi to Barney Hollywood’s most amazing producer

Happy 9.9.19, Surface Dwellers! After some coaxing, because for those of us who still miss Robin on a regular basis I will imagine he’s our guest blogger.

Hey, dreamers!  My name when I walked the earth was Robin Williams. I was just a regular Joe from Chicago who, due to an intense funny bone, made a fortune and flew in the same private jet skies as the richest a-holes wrecking the planet.

POP QUIZ: What number am I thinking about between 121212 and 121214?

If you guessed 121213 you’re ready to learn lesson 3 of how to travel faster than the speed of light. On the other hand if you didn’t guess 121213 you suck at math like me. In any case, if you haven’t done so as yet, please read part one and two first if you know what’s good for you.

All aboard the Williams Express! Let’s begin.

I, the being FKA Robin Williams, am hovering in wispy spirit form over a beautiful coral reef off the big island of Hawaii. Now, if you traveled from the sun to this reef at the speed of light it would take you 8 minutes and 17 seconds to reach me. But in reading the proceeding sentence it took you only a few seconds to make the journey in your mind’s eye.

Thought is indeed faster than the speed of light. Ken’s taught you that nugget already. But as you see my spirit floating above the Pacific surf and… Tada!… you also see that thought is more potent than the speed of light for imagineering new realities.

Robin surfs for a starfish life by Ken Sheetz

After my brief but beautiful afterlives these past, weird and wonderful as it gets, five years, first as a blue whale, then as a blue dolphin and last as a killer whale, I’ve finally chosen my next reincarnation. Hint it’s a part I played in my life on earth. Don’t skip ahead. That’s cheating, naughty readers.

Very cool of Ken to let me hang out in his big heart for a few weeks while I make up my spirit mind. And now to be able hang out with all of you readers here on the DreamShield blog my coolest visitation ever. The internet is a truly amazing gift for forging new conscious connections. But it’s force that’s being abused by some greedy people. Yeah, I’m looking at you Zuckerberg.

Screen Shot 2019-09-08 at 3.45.05 PMTo those in the house reading the first direct blog by your ghost host with most today and wondering how I can fit comfortably into Ken’s heart space, hear my voice in your mind’s ear, imitating Albert Einstein, as I did in the movie AI “In spirit form, you zee, vee humans don’t take up too much space. Zere’s a kingdom in each heart and a lot of space on zee quantum subatomic level.”

Now hear me slip in John Wayne’s voice, “So, ya see pard, there’s plenty of room in your hearts to have spirit folk share adventures if you want them. Ya ha.”

One day earlier this week, while Ken and Elizabeth hike to a swim in the creek at Red Rock state park, I invite some of my ocean friends to swim along in Ken’s auric field. All with his permission of course.

Some sea tourists come from my 2014-2017 blue whale pod. Some come from the krill we ate, “Urp!” Pardon me. Some come from my 2017-2018 blue dolphin pod and the wide variety of fish we ate, yum. Some come from the octopi clan. Last come my 2018-2019 pod of killer whales. All we killer whales were killed when global warming coaxed us into swimming too far north and the Arctic ice closed behind us. Whales don’t make good pancakes.

Loving our Sensor V medallions. Get you own at Patrick Flanagan page!

So there I am a couple of days ago hiking along with Ken in the red rocks of Sedona, suspended inside an aquatic menagerie that only Ken can see. Suspended in miniature in the fresh Sedona morning air, swimming about Ken’s auric field in a 9 foot spherical radius.

Always low key about his psychic gifts because of an Irish Grandmother who warned little Ken he’d end up in the looney bin if he shared his visions, Ken speaks to my aquatic band of sea tourist telepathically.

He relays our wonder at the wonders of the surface world in real time to his love Elizabeth. She has the jitters because she’s going to marry Ken on 9.19.19 and his amplified psychic powers since the Lion’s gate are a bit unnerving.

So Ken keeps it cool reporting to Elizabeth on my turning him into a human Carnival Cruise while he happily swims in the cold fresh water creek. We sea tourist spin between the creek and the air in Ken’s energy field, telepathically shouting, “Wee!”

Most of my sea pals have never incarnated on the surface of Gaia. So their little flippers are all a flutter by of all things Sedona’s dry red dirt along the banks of the creek. Huh. I thought it would be trees my sea mates would be amazed by. But the minerals and dryness of the red dirt are like nothing their little sea eyes have ever beheld. The rich red soil sparkles in the sun like tiny diamonds and rubies. Land. Dry land.

Anyways, a funny thing happens to me in the sacred Oak Creek where the Hopi and other tribes once thrived. A nurse shark swim up to me in the next door water molecule . The dapper looking shark speaks in a thick Jersey accent, “Name’s Jerry. Nice of of you to take me and your sea clan to visit your old surface world, Robin.”

“My pleasure, Jerry. — Hey, man, sorry I ate you when I was a killer whale.” I add sheepishly.

“No sweat. Killer’s gotta kill. Hey, I should know! — Word from your arctic pod is you’re kinda stuck about what you next life should be?” says Jerry, flashing three rows of nurse shark teeth.


“Lemmie help. Tell me about your last three incarnations,” says Jerry the nurse shark earnestly.

“What are you a shark or a shrink, Jerry?”

“What’s a shrink?” asks the puzzled nurse shark.

“Long human story. Let’s just say I had a school of shrinks in my last life as Robin Fucking Williams.”

My pale reflection stares back at me on Jerry big eye. Huh. Between lives I look like I did at about age 27. Back when I played Mork on a thing called ABC. So my work as the joie de vivre energy of Robin Williams is not yet done I guess.


Your Invite to Break the Speed of Light – Part 2

In part 1 of Your Invite to Break the Speed of Light blog series, I discuss that a preference for the speed of light (SL) converted to 671 million miles an hour because it’s easier to picture breaking the light speed limit in your mind.

For example: Traveling at 671 million miles an hour it only takes about 10 hours to cross the solar system end to end at the speed of light. But what’s cool is that in just reading the prior sentence, you mentally crossed the entire solar system end to end in about 1 second. A visualization that allowed you to travel 36,000 times faster than the speed of light. Congrats. But don’t get cocky. We’re just getting started.

In part 1 you learned to leave your physical body astral travel safely using the silver tether to reel your ethereal body back to its home base, regardless of distance.  Please read part 1 before multi-dimensional or timeline travel because you must learn to use your silver tether before we can upgrade you to first-class.

When I am not being simply me these strange days, good old Ken Sheetz, Chicago real estate mogul turned conscious filmmaker and with a humble day job in social media and curating out of this world tech, I am a vast collection of angels and star beings who call themselves the OHOM collective. OHOM is an acronym for OPEN HEART OPEN MIND. We the OHOM collective first appeared to Ken at the moment of his conception in the womb, just after he traveled to 1952 from 5 billion years in your future. Take our word for it as connoisseurs of consciousness of Ken’s a fun channeler.

Apologies also if the delay in your species awakening, while we stepped away for a few millenniums, has caused chaos on your world. Expressing itself in its various and unpleasant forms. Some of them stupid-seeming like Trump and Boris as pawns for mastermind Putin, rampant racism, sexism.

Note: We of the OHOM collective wish to emphasize that we are above such petty judgements such as those Ken just slipped into this upgrade. Yours is a free-will planet of consent after all. The only mind control which humans experience is generated by your own species. Take heart and know that all you, even Trump and his doppelganger Boris, both serve the greater good. Obviously, Ken has a ways to go in his evolution.

We’ve the awakened many worlds know all to well that overcoming the duality of a right-left brained biology is always a big challenge. Indeed, if we a had a proverbial nickel for every sentient race that extinguished itself before mastering it’s own technology… Well, let’s not go there, as you say. And now back to your regularly scheduled interstellar thought travel upgrade.

Our collective has not thought traveled to your world since the sinking of Atlantis until roughly 2010. Sorry, but we could not begin this secret upgrade until this potent Lion’s Gate of 8.1.19. Congrats on finding your way here and listening to we and Ken, even as we appear to ramble.

At any rate please, we beg you, read part 1 if you have not. We, the beings autotyping — a thing similar to old school autowriting — through Ken’s fingers cannot be responsible for your safety if you read Your Invite to Break the Soeed of Light – Part 2 before Part 1.  We are placing the link here in the blog to Part 1 again and for the last time.   We will pause autotyping 30 earth minutes before continuing to channel through Ken.

Cue elevator music.  10 Hours long . Hope you dig it much as we ETs do.


And we’re back! Our ET and angelic multitude joyfully Autotyping through our mutual dear pal Ken, just one connective entity of many we each have in common. Hopefully you are digging the elevator music as it takes you higher and higher in consciousness, much like an elevator to the stars.  And sorry, it’s truly is best to listen to this elevator music while reading further for your enlightenment, comfort and safety.

Ahhh. The elevator music is so gosh darned relaxing yet stimulating. At least to ET minds. Just what you need to upgrade your astral travel skills. It’s a handy 10 hours long, with a few pauses built in for multiple readings. Relax. We promise the teachings of this deluxe edition of Your Invite to Break the Speed of Light – Part 2 will not take us nearly 10 hours.

Don’t worry if you are one of the first of readers to discover this blog the grows in subscribers as slowly as a melting Antarctic glacier. That’s quantum intentional. We wish the human audience to build slowly, but ever increasingly on a geometric scale that will eventually transmit this wisdom to everyone on earth now and in your future and out into endless time and space where you will begin to thought travel the galaxy tonight.

Heads up this blog visual pattern is infused of far greater tech than the human eye can see or your minds imagine. You see, the Coolest Meditation Ever is always written in 5D-ultrahypertext that travels trillions of times faster than the speed of light. It reaches out to all sentient life via the Akashic Records to the sufficiently evolved to receive it’s data throughout this universe and all dimensions, multiverses, times and reality modes. More on that phenom  in blog 5 and yes and they all must be read sequentially.

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By now we can read your mind, dear reader, “Jeeze Louise, when is the OHOM collective ever going to let Ken share the thought is faster than light wisdom that I somehow feel will save the world?” Fear not. He is. Ta da! This is the download!

Even when it seems Ken is wandering in his autotyping like the faithful, but unsure, brave pioneer that he is, we are just making room for all the data contained secretly in this part 2 download. A download which if each data bit were one were 1MM in length and placed end to end as a thread it would reach all the way to Alpha Centauri. So sit back and enjoy the download. As long you are playing the elevator music as you read you are getting your super groovy upgrade. Note: There is a 60 second break in the music coming up for deep breathing.

Darn. We can’t go on! Whoa!  We have stragglers aboard the DreamShield blog ship. Hmm. How do we to make this easy for the stubborn among you who have not gone back to read part one?

Got it. Here are steps 1-7 for faster than light travel from part 1. Remember, pay attention in particular to the silver tether. You may skip reading this if you have read Part 1 but it’s good to refresh your mind and read again. We promise and we never lie. Lying is an expression of your primitive mind you are leaving behind as you read on.

5 6 vision

STEP ONE: Listen more deeply to the pattens within the elevator music. There’s no guided meditation there. Allowing you to free form your way across the cosmos with excellent long form videos, which are primarily frequency meditation music in nature.

STEP TWO: Get comfy. Get still. Early on in this whole thought travel experience I got my best results laying down. But now seated in an upright yoga posture works equally well and keeps me from falling asleep as happens with laying down.

STEP THREE: Completely clear your mind through meditation and deep patterned breathing. Experiment with what inner visualizations and breathing pattern gets your mind quiet. We live in a world designed to keep your mind busy and restless. Meditation is a quick and easy remedy that add years to your life. And take it from Ohom and me, you want to be around for the beautiful changes we will see over the next 100 years. I know it doesn’t look that way watching the news but dig deeper into the real facts and you’ll see the world has never been safer or happier. But I digress. Back to breaking the speed of light.

STEP FOUR: In your mind’s eye, picture a silver tether at your ethereal body’s ankle to keep you connected to your physical body. It’s your lifeline and it’s indestructible. With your tether you can end thought journeys at will any time you say, you’re the boss of you, and return home safe and sound.

STEP FIVE: Picture your ethereal body rise from your physical body. Start small with your thought travel. Simply stand up from your body and walk around your home in the ethereal. Look in a mirror. I notice I am translucent in spirit form and quite a bit younger, about 37.

STEP SIX: When you feel ready, walk out the front door. Pass right through it. You’re not solid.  Leave your house and take a walk in the street. Detail is important. Feel the breeze.  Hear the birds. Feel the sun on your face. Test snapping home into your body via the silver tether. Whoosh!

STEP SEVEN: The next thought travel you do, after getting deep into your meditation, picture somewhere on earth you’ve already visited. Only now you’re traveling in your ethereal body. No planes, trains or automobiles required. Let’s say for this example the place you’ve visited and love is Paris.  See yourself floating above your home city and lift off!  See yourself streaking your way in an instant to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Walk around the balcony and take in the sights, sounds and scents of the streets of Paris below.  Smile. You’ve made your first faster than light journey.


Note: Since this blog is written in 5D-ultrahypertext there are countless of data bits hidden in the space between words to help you visit the stars in your meditations, making them testimonial worthy for Please email us at if you have a testimonial to share.

Hey, you made it. Ready for your…


You are a living FTL

Take a deep breath and let the now soothing feeling elevator music wash over you. Close your eyes and breathe slowly in and out for sixty seconds or up to one hour. Your pick.

Notice how much lighter your head feels? Your head floats out the window nearest you and lifts off into the night sky taking the rest of your body along for the ride. You see the starry sparkling sky, the one that’s always “nighttime” above the deep blue sky.

Far below you a killer whale surfaces in the arctic where Ken must go in 2020 to complete his polar meditation series he began in 2012. BTW, the killer whale is Robin William whose reincarnations are recounted on this blog. Robin waves a flipper and telepathically says, “Nanu nanu, buckaroo!” As you soar above the clouds from his sight.

Your so high in the blue sky you see the curvature of the earth or the flat disc of the planet if you of that mindset. But in either case you see the precious blue veil represents all there between you and death in the vacuum of space.

Chill, this is your astral body we’re flying with here and you don’t need silly old air. But let it be an inspiration to become an environmental warrior on your world from this day forth in the battle to fight the more primitive among you causing global warming and wrecking your perfect bubble.

We want the human species, it’s not a race, to evolve to join the OHOM collective one day! And how will you ever do that if you folks extinct all life on your planet as Mars once did? The Martians died off eons ago through something other than global warming. Ah, but that’s for another wisdom sharing blog upgrade.

You sail up from your home planet, or from whatever world you are reading this on. One sec, Ken says a hello to his love Elizabeth reading this in Denver visiting her amazing sister, two gorgeous cousins and I forget how many beautiful grandnieces and grandnephews.

Above all chill. OHOM, our collective name does not stand for Open Heart Open Mind for nothing. Because be you White, Black, Asian, whatever race, whatever color, be you a far left liberal gay person of mixed race or be you far right conservative pale white conservative that is a card carrying racist Trump fanatic, your energy is now in this collective meditation. It scatters over the earth on what will be eventually millions of phones and computers. ALL ARE WELCOME AS ONE HERE IN THIS ELECTRONIC SANCTUARY FOUNDED ON THE COSMIC PRINCIPAL OF LOVE THAT POWERS ALL OF GRAVITY.

During this part of the elevator music score, playing in perfect accordance with your reading speed, one that’s as unique as your fingerprint, the OHOM frequency begins transmitting a rainbow of infinite shades of color. Shafts of pure color  integrate with your human silver tether down to a DNA level. At this point you smell or sense a cleansing of the air as you breathe ever more deeply.

Now stare at this art by MC Kordan for 2 minutes exactly.


Phew!  Your tether upgrade is almost complete! Now, gracefully orbit the moon. Prepare for the slingshot to hyper space by imagining a world, a time or a reality you wish to visit. All is possible with the safety and range of your upgraded indestructible silver prismatic tether.

Got your destination in mind?  Ok. Now see in your mind’s eye the opening of a portal in the lunar orbit and kiss earth good-bye for now. Traveling anywhere trillions of times the speed of light is now a breeze and you can zip right back into your body in the blink of an eye, no matter the time, distance or dimension. Cool

After all, the entire multiverse works on the principal that everything began with the Big Bang from a single point of light.  You are that light. Have fun!

In parting, such sweet sorrow s your Bard once wrote, we’d all love to read your comments here on this 5D blog on your astral adventure after this cosmic consciousness upgrade. Now see billions of us across the all times and dimensions applauding you and waving bye-bye to you. Ta ta!  This is as much as we can share for now. Subscribe to the blog to be informed when Part 3 is ready for your next upgrade.

Happy Lion’s Gate 8.1.19!  OHOM out.

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As the right and left media roils for ratings in this strange era’s, love him or hate him, craziest presidency ever, I just received some surprising insights from my ET spirit guide Ohom (Open Heart Open Mind) as to what our meditations in 2017 at the Trump inauguration looked like on spirit plane.

Inaug dream

It’s January 20, 2017 again. Elizabeth and I nervously stand amongst the mostly MAGA hat wearing crowd, sporting instead our CME penguin hats. Each time Hillary appears on camera the crowd jeers, “Lock her up!”

Two grizzled beer drinkers jeer each time Obama or Michelle appear on the Jumbo-tron nearby. It’s an ugly scene. Neither Elizabeth or I really want to be here. This is not the America we grew up in. And it is especially not the one Elizabeth served 17 years in the military to defend.

But we have dutifully followed Ohom’s simple instructions to go to this “largest ever” inauguration, and hold space of love for Trump in this power intoxicated crowd. We do our best to bless Trump’s presidency; that it ultimately be good for the planet, or to at very least do as little harm as possible.

Oddly, I sense this crowd, one that should be elated on this first day of the Trump administration, is deeply defensive. They literally can’t seem to believe their man Trump really won, even though he’s up on the big stage getting sworn in; Melania frowning behind his back on the Jumbo-tron screen perched atop scaffolding.

Love Trumps Hate smaller

But there something’s very different in this particular meditation replay of the inauguration. A mental replay I’ve run countless times for over 2 years now, trying to make sense of what our crazy mission accomplished in the light of destructive programs for the environment and humanism rolling out almost daily from Trump via Twitter.


Today Ohom is finally showing me what really happened energetically that fateful day, sealed within the scared Masonic geometry layout of DC. Deep within the low vibrational inaugural crowd, cozy in our own bubble of bliss, sweet Elizabeth and I hold a space of love; just as Ohom guided.

Our loving  meditation crystalizes moisture from the light rain that begins to fall. Our love meditation becomes a diamond-seed that burrows into the wet grass beneath our cold feet. Soon a translucent white energy tree rapidly grows beneath Elizabeth and me. The rapidly growing energy tree sweeps us high above the bristling Trump clan.

My view to the dais greatly improved, I gaze towards the red-faced Donald J. Trump giving a speech former president Bush later observed, “That was some weird shit.”

Agreed. To me this all feels like the birth of the apocalyptic era right out of FALLOUT THREE; a video game that takes place in a mutated and ruined Washington DC 200 years after World War III.

I flinch as Trump’s weird shit “America First” address deeply disrespects Obama’s legacy. Trump behaves as though he’s not inheriting a booming economy but a “smocking” wasteland.

Looking ahead to the dais, I see two other white energy trees carrying other pairs of meditators high above the oddly fidgety crowd.  I wonder to myself, “Maybe the Trump fans are nervous they elected a thin-skinned guy with his trigger finger on the largest nuclear arsenal in history?”

Amazed by this new feeling compassion towards the desperate-for-change Trump’s base, I look back towards the Washington monument. Nine other white trees carrying meditation pairs grow rapidly. The procession of 12 inner lighted white trees leads all the way from the dais to the Lincoln Memorial.

The wise Ohom never let any of our teams know we are working as a meditation group of 12 tree riding pairs until now. I may never know their names, but Ohom tells me the dozen meditation teams represent all races, male and female, and sexual orientation.

Soon, all twelve energy trees are large enough to join their rapidly leafing branches above us the meditation teams. Loving energy pulses through the umbrella of white trees, downloading into the anxious crowd below.

Now all of our teams of meditators hold space for one thing: that the Trump presidency, messy as its likely to be, never result in a launch of World War III.

Ohom tells me telepathically as I write, “Take heart, Ken. All of Trump’s many disconcerting acts he has and is yet to commit during his  presidency are in actuality a sacrifice to your planetary conscious.  The Mars energy of war that has dominated your world since the fall of Atlantis is dying. Trump is but a servant to accelerate its end.”

Even knowing I’ll fail to recall all this and fall at times into anger at Trump’s efforts to get our collective goat, I feel blessed to finally have this gorgeous vision to wrap my head around as to Trump’s higher purpose and hope you do too. This has been a tough two years for we moderates, plus liberals and many conservatives alike.

But whether it’s 2 or 6 years  until the Trump era finally ends, the blink of an eye in the cosmic grand scheme, look for an overnight flip to the next era. One that will make the loving 60s look passe!

And as the barrage of negative news and policies continues 24/7, I suggest you tune out to the ratings driven chatter and join with us in meditation for a better tomorrow. Vote when the time comes but don’t obsess over all this until November 3, 2020 is closer. Advice to myself as much as you, dear reader.

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Please watch the film if you’ve not seen yet or to refresh the 24 planetary healing meditations today!