Robin Williams’ Valentine’s Day Visitation

Heaven Couldn't Wait Robin Triumphant VersionWell, as you know, if you are a fan of my peculiar blog, Robin Williams spirit seemed, I must always be the doubter to some degree, so seemed to be visiting me often after his death. Incredible and whacky as that sounds, Robin drifted away from heavy contact to be conceived as a blue whale. He will be born this August.

“Takes a long time for a mama whale to make a baby blue! ” Robin explained to me over coffee, one day. “I’m making my comeback as whale to sing a new song of joy and love for the world!”

My nutty life since my 2010 awakening in Italy had gotten a lot nuttier.  I worried to Robin, telepathically as the waitress noticed me placing mug of hot coffee in front of an empty chair only I could sense Robin sitting in, “To some skeptics it’s gonna seem like I am capitalizing on your death.”

Robin’s spiritual answer? “Fuck ’em! This is really happening, Ken. No one can prove it either way. Share this whale of tale.  For some it’s gonna make ’em happy I’m still around.  For one’s who don’t believe, it won’t mean whale doo doo. Ha!”

So with all the love in the world here the fuck goes again. Another “Robin and Why Not Me?” visitation story, first in a while. Not surprisingly Robin’s visitation are my most popular blog posts so far, more popular than my meditations in Antarctica to save the world that will one day both be gathered up into a book called “All The Way South.”

Seeking some solace I am not drifting into a sea on insanity I sought out the great sonic healer Tom Kenyon at the Conscious Life Expo last week. Sorry no pic, my assistant Gen was shy to join us.

Can’t wait for the day that amazing young woman gets over that shyness and does that part of the work what I hired her. I’m patient.  She’s only been with me 5 months. No worries.  She’ll get there. Yep. Ten years of meeting celebs in Hollywood has taught me that as long as you are respectful celebs love to be approached. It is, after all, the extrovert’s mission is to have fans.

I complimented Tom that he had done an amazing series of whale songs for his part in the Dr. Masaru Emoto tribute. Emoto is a FB friend I miss dearly. Not that we ever conversed much. I just loved him in my news feed. Tom was happy I enjoyed his Emotto, the water master, whale song tribute. Tom was such bad-ass in he took no intro and just silently exited the stage, after blowing all our minds.

I told Tom I am having visits from Robin as a whale fetus, and his story of the new whale song Robin will sing with his pod to shift the planet to joy and bliss. Tom, a serious man, smiled and nodded and said, “Yes, that sounds like something Robin would do.”

I shook Tom’s hand and said, “Well, thanks for taking me seriously.”

Tom added, “Definitely.” and excused himself to join his son.


I am back in Sedona, after visiting hundreds of friends in LA and deeply back into into my hermit persona that’s so different than how I am anywhere else in the world, Antarctica included. I first learned our persona and horoscopes are heavily influenced by geographic location from a powerful Canadian astrologer during my stint as the social media and sometimes event director at the Great Spirits Ranch in Malibu.

The Astrologer told me in LA is was weak on money attraction for me but back in my base of Chicago I was an epic money man. All true. Time to get a Sedona reading to see why solo life here is a factor.

It’s been a productive, if very lonely life, here in Sedona. I’ve tried two housemates for company in this isolated city with no pedestrian life to speak of, both ended abruptly and painfully. I lost a hiking buddy who works in the spirit tourism trade over his disliking my stance against chemtrails on FB. Chemtrails not real?  Get real. Don’t get me wrong I won’t blow up a friendship over chemtrails. He did, attributing believing in chemtrails to being akin to fear of Gays.  Huh! Walking papers sent.

One healer woman I met here is so lost and stuck here she barely leaves her home.  I fight that urge with hikes, a Pilates class twice a week, eating out at Sedona’s highly limited restaurants.  Quality here falls off fast after Cottonwood’s Bocce and Sedona’s Chocolate Tree.  Most fare here in the red rock is GMO to the max here. A paradox you combat here by eating healthy organic for at home a lot. Thus back to isolation.

Frequent trips out of town are all that keeps me sane and connected to humanity, aside from the web where I work each day doing socially conscious social media.

I try to be social here in Sedona but it does not work out like it does for me everywhere else.  I have about 500 real-life powerful friends on my personal email list. I make friends very easily.  But not in Sedona.  I was at small Sedona wine party Thursday. I was being social, but it felt forced. One woman sat all alone staring into space.  We chatted a while and then she drifited away.  Weird. I met an attractive divorcee, who had organized the party for promoting industrial hemp.  Seemed promising, but her eyes glazed over when we got to the topic of chemtrails.  Such denial our poison skies here.  Once the party bunch reached a movie theater showing the film the party was about, cool movie about industrial hemp, I chose to sit alone. Felt so right.

My assistant Gen had a nice friend in town but the idea of being out with them on Valentine’s Day filled me with a dread. I declined and worked all day.  I find here in Sedona I am withdrawing further and further from the world of people.

So you can imagine that the spirit visit with Robin felt warm and welcome this Valentine’s Day.  Funny. It’s as though I am more connected to spirit people than living people here. Quite puzzling yet wonderful.

At any rate here, was my exchange with Robin today, posted to Facebook in real time.  I do that live with Robin, who wants me to learn to imitate his voice for channeling and I am resistive of as it’s a bit manic, much as I love his amazing syle, for me.


Robin’s dolphin mug

Robin: Valentine’s is always my favorite holiday!

Ken: Why is that, Robin?

Robin: Well, I could make a wisecrack about how easy of a day Valentine’s is to get laid. Ha!  But being a whale fetus has taken some of the edge off squishy me. So instead I’ll go spiritual on your ass, Sheetzy and say it’s because of all the love. Yeah, I know it was a god damn Hallmark Holiday for starts. But, man, breathe deep. Breathe the love, baby. The Hallmark corporates did something groovy by mistake. Score one for the light side of the force!

Ken: Yeah, been tuning in on the Valentine’s love from the living Neuro transmitter that is Sedona red rocks and crytals all day. Nice.

Robin: I wanna say to all the lonely hearts out there, like you, Kenny my man, that me and Mama Whale and all us whale cats are with you. Listen to us sing! I’ve already been teaching mama my groovy new frequency of love and joy from inside her big beautiful whale tum tum. We and the dolphins dudes and dudettes are gathering for a new song for Mama Earth! Yo!

Ken: I hear you, bro.

Robin: Actually, I’m a girly whale this incarnation, Sheeterino!

Ken: Well then I am with you, “sista” whale. I have a girl cousin named Robin so you don’t even need a name change.

Whale fetus CGI.
Whale fetus CGI.

Robin: Change, baby! Talk about it. I didn’t just have a sex change. I had a whole species change! Whoa! Awesomely epic!  can’t wait for my first solo swim in August. Watch out Seven Seas!

Ken: Cool to hear from you so strong again. You were out of touch, just popping in for little giggles.

Robin: Hey, Kenster.  It’s a lot of work building a whale fetus and teaching a new song for the earth. Cut me some slack. Hahahaha!

Ken: I am one uptight mo fo. Hahaha!

Robin: Well, speaking of hard work whale building. Mama’s telling me to stop transmitting. Happy VD. The good kind! Williams out!

Ken: Ciao, Robin. Talk again soon. Thanks for the pep talk. Love to you and the pod.

Well, Robin’s whale of a spirit is more conversation than I had with any living soul today, Valentine’s Day.  Perhaps that’s part of why I am a hermit in Sedona.  My only friends are all work or services related.  Lots to ponder on this early morning after a solo Valentine’s Day of hard work preparing for a meeting with my main client.

3 thoughts on “Robin Williams’ Valentine’s Day Visitation

  1. Pingback: Trump’s Fever Dream – Chapter 4 Redux – Dancing With Spicer and Schwarzenegger – Media, Meditations & Musings

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