The Robin Williams Visitations – King of the Starfish People

Hey! Exciting news. After following a story I was channeling, either from my imagination or the spirit world of speaking, of to Robin Williams’ on a pretty regular basis, starting shortly after his death in 2014. But our visits abruptly ended in 2019. The good news here in 2021: He’s back!

Robin first appeared to me a few weeks after his tragic death, in a hilarious way. One morning as I turned on my side… there he was inches from my face on the pillow beside me, batting his eyes like in his character in BIRDCAGE. And Robin said, “Howdy, Ken!” I never laughed so hard in my life. Laughter mixed with tears of reunion, At least that’s how I remember it this time. Psst. Time is fluid.

Sounds nuts, but Einstein believed “time is an illusion”. Something he believed the mind creates to help us conceptualize the vast ocean of space. So based on what Albert said maybe time is where spirit (us) and science (space) meet. Because we are space, a part of the universe. A pixel if you will, badly in need of reunion.

But I digress. Robin’s spirit visited me frequently for years. I followed his transformation to a blue whale, then as a killer shark, then as a dolphin and finally to a starfish. All his joyous reincarnations used ocean life to bring his frequency of joy to a world that missed him terribly. I lost connection with his spirit when he became a starfish in 2019. And, yeah, I don’t care if this all my imagination or not. Why? Because thinking it might be real makes me happy. Duh. It’s the not knowing that’s cool, motherfuckers! We used to a call it fucking mystery before America lost it’s damn mind!

Ah, those last two sentences are Robin’s spirit coming through. Let’s connect.

Ken: You’re coming in loud and clear, Robin.

Robin: That’s a big 10/4, Sheetzie. And I wish to thank Billy the Squid for acting as conduit for tonight’s chat. Shit man, clueless that when I became a starfish it would be like doing fucking taxes talking to reach your fat ass! Wow, you put on some covid weight, bro.

Billy the Squid: Focus, your majesty. I only got 8 tentacles here!

Robin: Ken, meet Billy the Squid. His real name I shit you not. He only agreed to be our conduit if he could coach me on the call.

Ken: Nice to meet you, Billy. You’re the first squid I’ve had the pleasure to meet. How long have you been a connector to the star fish network?

Robin: Guys, I’m sorry as shit but I have a meeting on Saturn in 30.

Billy the Starfish: My bad. I promised to only observe.

Robin: Sorry I lost touch, Ken and fans. But I’m baaaack! And guess what?

Ken: What?

Robin: I am king of the starfish people!

Ken: That’s awesome, Robin.

Robin: I know! I know! The sex is incredible. At least, I think it’s sex. This five pointed body and decentralized brain is bummer at times.

Ken: Besides the sex, what else is great about being… Oh, Elizabeth is here. She wants to ask you a question.

Elizabeth: Oh. I don’t have one, Ken. No. I just walked in to put my computer to bed for the day. It’s nice you are back, Robin. Please have coffee with us tomorrow at your favorite haunt, The Coffee Pot.

Robin: Oh, yes! But Billy can you, help me out again tomorrow?

Billy the Squid: Of course, Robin. You’re king. You don’t need to ask. Command!

Robin: Billy, I command you to be my connector for breakfast in Sedona with Ken and Elizabeth tomorrow so that I make partake of my favorite coffee in the state of Arizona.

Billy the Squid: Sorry. No can do.

Robin: Oh.

Billy the Squid: Ah, just fucking with you! Your majesty’s wish is my command!

Ken: Great. Elizabeth’s in the sauna. I’ll let her know when we’re done with the blog tonight. Typos and all.

Robin: Beautiful Elizabeth is getting naked in the sauna and you want to talk to me? I’d say I’m touched, Ken but, what in hell’s going on here?

Ken: Covid’s been tough on America’s sex life. I’m no exception. But I’m lucky to be alive after the Trump shit show.

Robin: It’s all the starfish nation could do to navigate humanity back onto the right timeline away from Trumptopia.

Ken: Thanks for that, man. Let all the starfish know. But I got a bone to pick with you. Last time I heard from you was via your crazy starfish answering machine message (10/21/19).

Robin: Gotta admit I’d not done my research on starfish. Not having a brain… Well, it made it kinda tough to get in touch.

Ken: Chill. I got to experience your sudden departure from my life a third time. I’m getting good at it. Tell you what, Robin. Tired. Or maybe this is sudden to be back in touch so vividly. I see you’re on the same Hawaiian coral reed I last had visuals on. Cool.

Robin: Oh, bro. So sorry. Let’s grab the coffee tomorrow. Rest. Snuggle.

Billy the Squid: You’re wife Elizabeth is amazing. Beauty.

Ken: As one psychic put it a blessing for my work in Antarctica.

Billy the Squid. Been an honor to meet the one and only Ken Sheetz.

Robin: See you and the bride – congrats on that — in the morning. I like it with cream and sugar.

Ken: I haven’t forgotten. Tomorrow then. So excited to have connection again. Thanks, Billy…. Wait a fucking minute.

Robin: Billy’s a special squid.

Ken: Dad?

Billy the Squid: I was. Hi, son.

Ken: Ah, Dad. Hi. See you guys at breakfast tomorrow. Lots to process.

The next morning it was freakishly cold for Sedona in May and so we had Sunday coffee at our house with Robin and Billy the Squid, who shockingly was my father in his past life. The connection was good but not as strong as the night before. W spoke on a number of topics. Here are a few highlights from the 30 minute coffee with Robin Williams visitation.

Ken & Elizabeth: Morning, Robin. Thanks for the connection, Billy.

Robin & Billy the Squid: Morning.

Ken: How’s the coffee?

Robin: Healthier than the Coffee Pot java, but I hope we can do this again soon there. Addicted to their brew.

Billy the Squid: Grateful. Delish.

Elizabeth smiles. She’s not quite awake, I can tell. But she plays along in the beautiful way she loves to. But I can tell she’s wary of my father spirit, who was as unpredictably abusive as he was loving in life.

Ken: So, Billy. Do you remember much of your human life as my father?

Billy the Squid: Less and less each day. But yep. I hope you’re focusing on the good times we had. My teaching you to draw, fishing, tickles. The good stuff.

Ken: I try to. Still lots to process on the dark side. Dropping with a lot of your racism you managed to drum into me.

Robin: Karma’s a bitch. Billy’s a black squid from the coral reef projects now. Yo!

Ken: What else is new in the after world?

Robin: You can stop worrying about Trump and his GOP 24/7. The starfish planetary matrix is on the job. You’re not out of the woods yet, but lots of progress. You’ll love how it all turns out.

Ken: Sure doesn’t look that way, but thanks for freeing up some of my mental drive space. Wow. This is great rye toast. Is this made in Sedona, hon?

Elizabeth: I don’t know. — So Robin, you chose Billy for the direct connect didn’t you?

Robin: Bingo!

Ken: So weird to see you as a squid, Dad. You’re a little guy.

Billy is silent. Elizabeth squirts herself in the face eating her grapefruit and yelps.

Ken: Any questions for Robin or Billy?

Elizabeth: How do you like it out there in the sea?

Robin: I’m king of the starfish. As a comic pal once said, things get fuzzy without a brain, “It’s good to be king.”

Elizabeth: You make that title up, Robin?

Robin: Ha ha. Not to brag but I am the first human to join the starfish nation to retain some of my human consciousness. Guess that’s why they made me king.

Elizabeth: Do you have a government?

Billy the Squid: We don’t need one.

Elizabeth: Why not?

Robin: No property. No boundaries but the earth itself.

Ken: Cool.

Elizabeth: How’d you find Billy, Robin?

Robin: I sent out an SOS. Billy swam a couple hundred miles to reach me.

Elizabeth: Billy, how do you like seeing your son Ken?

Billy the Squid: He’s aged a lot in 10 years.

Ken: Hey! And it’s eleven years. This last year in covid has been hard.

Elizabeth: Billy, have you seen any other family?

Billy the Squid: Ken’s the first as the firstborn. Your mom Alice is over here, Elizabeth. She’s a seahorse.

Elizabeth: Wow! Who else is with Alice?

Robin: Your brother. Also a Bill. He’s sea tortoise now.

Elizabeth: Cool one. How’d he get so lucky?

Robin: Your Billy was always lucky.

Elizabeth: He was! Is my dad around? What about my granddad?

Robin: Both living life as humans again. Your granddad is the dad this time. The old switcheroo.

Billy the Squid: I can find your dad in this life if you like. Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Really? I’d love that.

Billy the Squid: On it. Connector rule.

Ken: We found our dog from a past life, Runs with eagles, Lincoln.

Elizabeth: 600,000 people have died in America. Death toll is likely three times that. Ten million worldwide.

Robin: Things are way more crowded here in the ocean. Lot’s of welcoming of people who didn’t know they were dead. But in the scope of the planet with all the extinction there’s never been so much death. It’s not going to be the same kind of world unless we stop killing other species. Don’t be sad.

Elizabeth: What was the purpose of he pandemic?

Robin: No purpose. Just a byproduct of unhealthy living. Time to change that, people.

Ken: Been starting with myself. Was going pretty well until Covid. Ate a lot of comfort food. But I am back on the beam again. Eating better. Reverse aging again. Even started writing screenplays again.

Robin: Ken, you need an agent to navigate Hollywood. I’m going to pull some strings psychically for you.

Ken: Thanks. I’ve always been afraid to get myself out there because I’m so farout people might think I’m nuts. Like my grandma Agnes warned me.

Robin: People thought I was nuts. Fuck ’em. Focus on the people who love you, warts and all.

Elizabeth: Robin, why are people ignoring reality?

Robin: Because it sucks. Making a better world is way harder than pretend.

Elizabeth: People are dividing themselves along story lines. Chips in the vaccine. Biden cheated. Sucks.

Robin: Yes. But coffee is still wonderful.

Elizabeth: What’s your advice on getting through the next year? Two?

Robin: Follow the map is on Ken’s forehead. Head in five directions.

Ken: This scar on my head is map?

Robin: Treasure map. Overlay the starfish pattern on Ken head with a map of the world with Sedona at the center. Extend the lines until you hit something that’s cool.

Ken: Makes crazy sense. In my spirit work things manifest in 3D. Had Eagle on the back of my head to help me heal my past and now starfish map to carry me forward.

Robin: One more thing. The key to America’s survival is to find a way to love respect what’s good about the right.

Elizabeth: What’s good about them?

Ken: They love family. They’re loyal as to a fault. They’re terribly misled by Trump and his cronies.

Billy the Squid: Attract them back to the light with light.

Ken: Easier said than done. But thanks.

Billy the Squid: Elizabeth, some of your dad and grandad are reincarnated on the east coast. Cape Cod to be exact. I’ll keep tuning in on them.

Robin: Getting tired, guys. One last question?

Elizabeth: Nothing top of my mind, your majesty.

Robin: Exactly. Nothingness is what humanity needs more of with their busy minds.

We all laugh.

Robin: Peace out you two. Nanu, nanu.

Billy the Squid: Bye, son. Nice to connect, Elizabeth.

Ken & Elizabeth: Bye!

President Me?!

As a film director there so much I learn in my sleep about just getting to the heart of a story with no preamble. In an amazing dream last night I found myself mid-inaugural address as the new president of the United States!


Inaug dream
Dream Inauguration of President Sheetz

Relax, I have no intention of running for president. This was a healing dream. My soul looked past today’s anger-fest president in a totally dismissive fashion.  It was fantastic to see the excitement and hope on the faces of the crowd as I spoke,

My fellow Americans, I have some big shoes to fill as your new leader. Those big shoes belong to none other of President Barrack Obama.

The job of rebuilding our relationships with fellow democracies and allies starts now. Today, as my first act as President, all tariffs are lifted.

At this very moment my transition team is preparing new legislation to convert all coal burning power to solar and to transition the auto industry fully to electric cars production by 2030. 

The dream was so exciting it woke me. But as lucid dreamer I closed my eyes and reentered the dream and used it to set intentions in the conscious field to reunify Americans divided by rampant racism, a sea of lies and to make reparations to the Native Americans.

Analyzing this dream I see it’s the work of my spirit guide Abraham Lincoln, not to lose faith in my values so badly under attack by Trump. Nice work, Abe.

May this powerful dream of renewed hope and change aid the healing of America. Aho!

The Robin Williams Visitations – Blue Whales and Coffee

Heaven Couldn't Wait Robin Triumphant VersionLove imagining these visits still happening with Robin in spirit Mecca Sedona.  Here’s a wild one I imagined over coffee at the Coffe Pot on route 89A.

“Sheetzy, I did it! I am in big mama blue whale waiting to be born again a as creature of the seven seas!”

There amidst all the overweight tourists Robin revealed his whale fetus self floating before me. I almost choked on my coffee and said telepathically, “Nice.”

“Nice? Nice is all you have to say? I’m a freaking baby blue whale, Sheetzo. No thanks to you. Hey, I kind look like that Genie I played in ALADIN!”

“I am sorry I could not abandon the Flangans, Robin. It’s how I am built. But I am happy for you. And I am getting now that it’s all connected. The pocket sized blue whale untrasonics of the NEO and your song with the blue whales.” I say to the smirking blue whale fetus. “How long until you’re born, Robin?”

“Do I look like a whale expert? Look it up on Google, please. Like to know how much longer I will be in mama whale’s belly.”

I type “gestation period for blue whales” in to my Iphone.

“Females typically give birth once every two to three years at the start of the winter after a gestation period of 10 to 12 months. The calf weighs about 2.5 tonnes (2.8 short tons) and is around 7 metres (23 ft) in length. Blue whale calves drink 380–570 litres (100–150 U.S. gallons) of milk a day.”

“Damn 2.5 tons I’ll be at birth! And I thought I was fat when I broke 200 pounds for a while!” belly laughs Robin.

“Looks like next summer late you will be a whale calf, Robin.” I say to myself softly.

DSC04666I reach across the pancakes and pick up the mug. There on the side of the mug, two blue whaled stand in relief, like reverse hieroglyphs!

My vision of Robin vanishes with a pleased laugh at my shock as the middle aged vet waitress comes up to my table, “More coffee, sir?”

“No thanks. I’ve had more than enough, waitress.” I say in wonder.

“I noticed you poured a cup to cool off while you drank the other. Smart. OK, hon, you need anything else you let me know.” She smiles turning to go.

“Wait, there is one thing. Can I buy this coffee mug with the whales on it?” I say showing her the whales in the side of the mug.

“Huh. Never saw whales on our mugs before, We have desert stuff on them. Kokopellie, cactus’s, ya know. Never whales. Lemme check with the manager if you can buy it.”

A short time later the waitress returns, “OK, young man, you have a deal. One whale mug from the desert of Seodna for $20.”

“Sold!” I say and off I go with my new mug and head back to my home studio for the day’s work.

The Robin Williams Visitation – Peter Pan and the Battle of Area 51

Me and Don Miguel Ruiz atop the Pyramid of the Sun
Me and Don Miguel Ruiz atop the Pyramid of the Sun

“The universe is one big Joy-gasm.” – Robin Williams from the afterlife

December 2011, I am blessed to spend the Winter Solstice with Don Miguel Ruiz, author of the epic best seller THE FOUR AGREEMENTS to learn Toltec wisdom in the powerful setting of the pyramids of Mexico’s Teotihuacan.

Don Miguel teaches me, among many amazing things that help my DreamShield work, that in reality all of us live in a ghost world.  For example: Look up at the sun and you are looking at a ghost image from 8 minutes ago.  That’s how long sunlight takes to travel to earth.

Now let’s say you are sitting across the table from a fiend in a restaurant. It still takes the light milliseconds to reach you.  So Welcome to the ghost world the Toltec wizard Don Miguel, where all the people we see are in the past, and ever a construct of our minds.

In the profound spirit of Don Miguel’s Toltec lessons, I humbly offer my latest spirit encounter with Robin Williams. Please take it all in the playful spirit offered here and not as literal truth.


In my morning meditation, Robin’s spirit, at lest as I imagine his amazing spirit to be, has been sending me urgent SOS signals all night that he’s trapped in Area 51, I head in my trusty 2011 silver Jeep for the strange base when hail of machine gun fire erupts.  I spin the Jeep off the road and hide it safely in in a gully.  I love my little used Jeep, my first car owned in over 20 years since losing my shirt in the real estate crash of 1991 and lots of spot leasing that makes me a Gold Club Hertz man, I recall as I head back to Area 51 on foot, cloaked in invisibility.

Peter Pan and the battle of area 51

I’ve done complex meditations to evade psychic security screens before, particularly when I sought to warm the heart of icy banking giant Bank of America, but never have I experienced anything this intense before.  Trillions of trapped souls cried out to me from the beyond here at the dreaded Area 51, Robin’s voice being the loudest I followed his psychic trail.

The Orion Ohom informed me along the way, “Careful, Ken.  High danger alert.  Area 51 has trapped the souls of all the beings that have died on earth since 1957, both human and all the way down to bacteria.  To keep the souls from escaping Area 51 uses stolen Grey tech to create an alternate reality, a “Matrix” where no one or nothing knows they are dead.”

“How cheery,” I answer Ohom as I shift my molecules, a gift common to those abducted as kids by aliens like myself, and easily pass through the barbed wire fence.  I tiptoe past a sleeping guard.  I’m in.

I crest a rocky desert hill.  Faint light flashes beneath a guge spirit HARP camouflaged grid.  It is about a mile square and hums with a sick strange-colored alien energy.  Staying invisible, no guards challenge me as I prowl the perimeter, “Robin?”  I shout.  “You in there, buddy?”

“Psst,  keep your damn voice down Sheetzy!” whispers Robin sticking his head out the barrier and then screams getting sucked back in.

I step across the rough desert terrain to the spot where Robin briefly poked out his head and turn on my red spirit armor.  This powerful armor was given to me by my dead father for my secret 2011 meditation to close down the Bermuda Triangle, blogged about here in great detail in earlier postings.  I’d give you a link but stick with me.  No distractions to this telling of Robin Williams and his work helping the planet and me heal from the afterlife.

As I step into the force field, I am instantly besieged.  Overwhelmed by deep sorrow.  Trillions of the dead life forms, collected here in Area 51 since 1957, all want to speak to me at once of their fears.  The insanity virus is visible in this buffer zone as an nasty flowing energy, the color of clotted blood.  I become confused.  Lost.  Every fear broadcast daily on FOX News and every other news outlet attacks me all once.

I will myself onward against a hurricane of terror about solar flares, radiation, fracking, Ebola virus, GMOs and more and more.  My father’s indestructible red armor begins to spark and short out.  I trip and fall face first to the desert floor.  Epic fear rapidly eats away at my armor and my body becomes exposed to even more fear.  I lose hope as I soon lose consciousness.

I awake, my face cut and bruised to smiling face of Robin Williams, the age he was at death, looking down on me saying, “Sheetzy, Sheetzy?  You OK, bud?  Ooh.  Sorry to drag you on your face.  You look like you went a few round with Popeye, bro. Ca-ca-ca!  What a rotten way to start a Monday.”

I sit up on my elbows, winching at burnt skin on my nose, tender to the touch and say, “Guess that force field is meant to keep out the living.  You like fine and dandy.”

“Oh, yeah.  Forgot in this corporate fairy Iand I am dead for a moment there!” kids Robin trying to hide his sadness.

This virtual world is a well organized commercial paradise inside the spirit HARP.  Trillions of beings live in ignorant bliss in this spotless utopia.  No one is aware of the energy vampires running this place, it seems.  “God only knows the purpose behind all this damn perfection and advertising,” I groan as an advertising blimp for McDonald’s new Quadrupole Bypass Burger floats by overhead in a cotton candy sky.

The voice of Ohom says for Robin and I to hear, “All this virtual reality is broadcast to the galaxy by Murdock Rupert.  True source of his wealth.”

“Whoa!  Whose talking to us, Sheetzy? Little green men?” says Robin at hearing Ohom strange voice.

“Long story,” I say as Robin helps me to my feet.

“Humor me.  I’m dead and we have all of eternity, Kenny boy,” says Robin.

“Please don’t call me that.  I have brother who just got out of Florida jail for two months for drinking and drugging who calls me Kenny boy,” I say sadly.

“Ah, yes, Fred.  You’ve told me about his famed Near Beer Recovery program, doomed to fail.  Sheetzy OK with you, my fellow sensitive friend?”  I nod and Robin continues, “So the voice?”

“Hey, Robin, huge fan of your work, man,” says the disembodied voice of Ohom, echoing over the perfectly manicured lawn where a nasty looking android cop turns his head 360 degrees searching for us.

“Yeah, that one drawing attention of the police bots to us!” says Robin pulling me into crouch to hide behind a huge Ronald McDonald statue.

Ohom whispers now, “Sorry.  I am Ken’s higher ET self, of the Orion star system.  His guide to help him save you and himself.  This place will be most difficult to escape as there will be many distractions.  Could take several eons to get out.”

“Nanoo nanoo, ET brother from another mother earth.  So why aren’t you in here helping us?” says Robin, not quite knowing where to look as he speaks to the air.

“Grey stolen alien tech powers the Spirit HARP.  Keeps my race of Nekatrians and all other ETs out.  But I can see and hear and help you through Ken’s handsome blue eyes,” whispers Ohom.

“I can tell you more about Ohom later, Robin,  Let’s get the hell out of this Disneyland gone bad before we turn into Mickey and Donald, ” I urge Robin.

“OK.  But you’re weirder than I am, Sheety and that’s saying something!” jokes Robin as we exit some hedges near the force field.

Hours later, after many strange distracting adventures in half built house of both our childhoods that almost make us forget to escape this fake branded corporate nightmare, Robin and I hunt in earnest for some kind of exit.  Robin and I enter a small neighborhood park with a lighted sidewalk.  The sunset is dazzling.  I whistle at the beauty all around us.

“Don’t be fooled by all the purdy flowers and birdies, pard.  You been in here now with me for six weeks, ” Robin says.

“Yup! This place is like America, filled with distractions. Look at that poor bastard over there!” says Robin.

A guy who looks a lot like my brother Fred runs on a giant gerbil wheel chasing a hot stripper holding a six pack of beer.

“Is that, my brother?” I say.

“Never met Fred.  How the hell should I know?

The good folks running this place have about as much heart as a Hollywood lawyer,” says Robin dusting me off.

“Yeah, let’s keep moving.  Has to be some kind of power source running this joint,” I say as  small remnant of my father’s destroyed red armor clanks to the sidewalk.

“Sorry about you dad’s super suit.  Maybe get you a new one if you can get me out of here, Sheetzy, if you tell me your dad’s armor tailor,” says Robin sheepishly.

“Perhaps my old man’s ethereal armor fried because it’s time for me to learn to work without it,” I say kind of happy to be graduating for assistance from my erratic father.

“Cool,” says Robin petting a chihuahua looking for its master.

“Last time I saw you, Robin, you were in that maze world we built in deep space. Safe and sound in a new universe all your own made of the pure love of all who adore you.” I say, recalling yesterday’s epic vision blogged of here.

“Yeah, don’t really know how I got sucked into Area 51-ville.  Oh, wait…  Forgot to cut my earthly tether.  Yikes.  I am not good at this dead stuff yet.” says Robin apologetically.

“My fault.  Should have told you as your spirit consultant, Robin.” I say bear hugging Robin off the ground.  “Happy to see you again, man!  Watched you in HOOK with my night.  Let’s get you flying again, Peter Pan.”  I say doing my best acting brave to hide my loneliness that in the real world of Sedona

Williams jokes, speaking in that hilarious mile a minute rapid fire way of his,”Whoa, Sheetyz. I am an Oscar winner.  Plus I can minds read now to boot.  Hmm, I see you’re only “acting” all brave and all supy-superman-like.  You got some serious Kryptonite poisoning over this spirit daughter of yours moving out of your digs.”

“Got me,” I say, embarrassed at my childhood abandonment issues are still crippling my life after all the spirit healing I’ve been doing.

“Do I get any thanks at all?” says Robin to change the topic.

“For what?” I say

“For dragging your heavy butt out of the HARP barrier when you fainted, Sheetzorama” say Robin with that famed smirk of his.

“I did not faint.  Women faint.  I passed out, Robin, ” I say defensively as I eye a huge blue whale sailing in the early evening sky above us.

“Whoa.  Relax, man.  This roomie moving thing out has you as out of whack as President Obama’s lost  hope and change agenda.  We’re gonna have to straighten this child abandonment stuff of yours out once and for all so that you have enough juice to blast us out of this Walmart paradise.  Coffee sucks here, BTW.  Nothing but McDonald’s and they make you eat a double cheeseburger with every cup!  I’ve packed on ten spirit pounds already!” says Robin brightly.

pan_williamsAs I laugh, Robin transforms to his age and garb as Peter Pan in the film HOOK and says, “Ok, Sheetzy, it’s HOOK time.  Change to yourself age 8.  I want to do a Peter Pan healing of your inner child to pay you back for all the good work you’ve been doing meditating for me and my loved ones.”

“Uh, not really, uh, time.  Busting you out of here now before — ”

“Go ahead.  Try, Ken.  Bust all 7 trillion of us life forms, including your own life force, outta here, Popeye.  Try, or better as Yoda says, DO!” said Robin with a comic bow.

I squeeze my eyes and try to use some of the new techniques I’d been gifted in the Mt. Shasta pyramid from spirit architect Metatron, all of which worked so flawlessly the night before helping Robin reunite with loved ones. A tiny ellipse of bright light forms between my hands and PUFF! goes out.

“Spiritual impotency alert!  AGH!  AGH!” laughs Williams as Pan.

“Point made,” I acknowledge to Robin as I begrudgingly transform to my frightened 8-year-old me.

“Come and sit on uncle Peter Pan’s lap, little Kenny,” says Robin taking a seat on an immaculate park bench.  “My lap is safer than Santa’s,  Come on.  Up!”

I happily climb up into his warm lap and Robin puts a big hairy arm around me.  With a reassuring smile Peter Pan Robin says, “Genevieve is someone new and wonderful in your adult life.  A spirit daughter is rare.  Appreciate her without smothering her.  Respect her when she says she’ll always be there for you, Ken, living under your roof or not.”

I nod quickly, wanting to believe Genevieve will not be leaving me forever, but little me is feeling very sick.  “My tummy hurts,” I say vomiting onto the perfect lawn.

“Thanks for not puking on me, little Kenny” says Robin, great with kids, Peter Pan or not.  He strokes my hair and offers. “Now listen carefully, little Ken.  Genevieve’s not your mommy who left you many times as a child because she was afraid of your meanie Captain Hook of a dad, Genevieve is not your grandma who got kicked out by your mean papa and most certainly Genevieve is not your dear auntie who died from loving beer more than you.”

“She’s not?” my eight-year-old self asks innocently.

“Uh uh.  She’s simply Genevieve Munoz.  A sweet young lady exploring her own life who happened to cross paths with yours.  A special friend, a temporary housemate, who used to be your grandma Anna in a past life. Well, I guess that’s not so simple,” says Robin gently lifting me for a swirl and standing little me up on the path. “Wanna play a game I call HELLO AND GOODBYE, little Kenny?” Robin offers, looking irresistibly mischievous.

“Ok…” I say reluctantly, not liking the sound of the GoodBye part of this game.

“Hello, little Ken,” says Robin, shaking my hand and pumping my little arm up and down so hard that I giggle.

“Hello, Peter Pan!’ I giggle happily.

“Goodbye, little Ken,” says Robin patting my head.  Tears well in my big blue eight-year-old eyes.  My lush lower lip, beautiful I see now, but which my vile father called “Nigger lip”, sticks out, quivering.  Robin gives a frown and flies off into a perfect fake cotton candy cloud high above.

Little Ken whimpers to himself, “All alone!”  Strangers and animals pass, ignoring little me.  I feel so rejected, the orphan child and fall deeper into fear as suddenly the shadowy figure of my drunken father staggers up the pathway.

“Hello, little Ken!” says Robin zipping back into view.

“Hello, Peter Pan!” I say glad to no longer see my ominous father as Peter Pan blocks his view.

Goodbye, Little Ken!” says Robin.  He flies away so fast the suction messes the long mop of soft brown hair on my head into a swirl.  I spin around.  “Oh no…” I whisper.  My drunk as a angry skunk father is only 20 yards away.

“Hey, you little shit.  Get your skinny ass over here, ” says my father, slurring his words.  He guzzles down a beer and tosses the empty can onto the perfect trail. A park robot instantly cleans up after him.

I run and hide behind a ridiculously perfect set of bushes and there is Robin as Peter Pan.  “Hello, Little, Ken!” says Robin.  But this time before he can fly off I dive onto Robin’s leg and grab hold for life.

“Don’t leave me with my Daddy!  He will hurt me!  He’s mean!  Don’t leave me, Peter Pan, like my mommy, grandma and auntie did!” I beg shamelessly.

Robin sighs and takes me by the hand and firmly guides to where my father is waiting, leather belt in hand, itching to beat me.

“No!  Peter Pan please.  Fly me away to Neverland with you.  My papa is mean.  He’ll kill us both!” I beg.

“Time to face the real reason you get so sad when women leave you.  Your pops is an abusing jerk.  I’ll handle him like I’ve handled him like any other drunk hecklers in my standup work.  Relax, little Kenny.” says Robin tugging me along.

“NO!  NO!  My dad’s meaner than you can know!” I shout, but Peter Pan is too strong for me.  I can feel my angry father’s hot dragon breath as we get close.  I puke again on the manicured lawn.  The cleaning robot beeps in annoyance as he hoses down my vomit.

Robin as the Pan gets right up in my father’s face and shouts, “You!  You, sorry excuse for a human being, you should be ashamed of yourself for how you treat this beautiful boy of your.  You sir are bad dad!”

“Oh yeah, faggot in green tights?  Whatcha gonna do about it?  Ken’s a rotten kid.  The little shit needs to learn respect for his father!” shouts my dear old dad, the veins on his muscular arms bugling as he put up his fists to fight.

“That’s right, violence solves everything, doesn’t it Captain Hook?”  As Robin says and at this my father’s clothes and hair transform into Captain Hook’s, hook hand and all.

My father pulls his sword in the blink of an eye and lunges it for Robin’s heart shouting, “Queer!”

But Peter Pan quickly pulls his sword and shouts in a fake gay voice to taunt my father, “The battle of Area 51 is on like Tinker Bell’s fairy dust, you brute!”

“No one tells me how to raise my God Damn kid, Fem!” shouts my father, striking Robin’s sword so hard sparks fly.  My father is a highly trailed US Army drill sergeant and his powers combined with Captain Hook’s are formidable.

“Of course I dare, you drunken fart in the wind!  Your old poodle Lacy would make a better dad than you, ” shouts Robin defiantly, his gay BIRD CAGE taunting tone gone.

“To the death, Pan!” says my enraged father, hooking Robin’s tunic and tossing him smashing through a billboard of a perfect shiny new Ford hybrid.

“Now there’s a product placement Spielberg would love,”  kids Robin, quickly dusting himself off as he parries swords with my crazed Captain Hook/father.

I bawl and hide my little eight-year-old self behind the cleaning robot, doing it’s best to keep this perfect fake world perfect.

hook-4My Captain Hook father does a spin and slashes open a deep gash across Peter Pan’s chest.  “Huh?  Dead and I can still bleed?” says Robin, stunned.  He looks at me as if wanting help. But I was a helpless child again.  Watching two people I love fight.  My father’s powerful sword blows make Robin weaker by the second.

“Oh, yes, Peter Pan Williams, you can bleed.  I am going to gut you like a fish!  I shall bleed all your life force into the HARP so that no one even remembers you.  Everything you ever created, every film you made, even your kids will vanish as if they never existed!”

“Hello, little Kenny?  A little help here, please?” shouts Robin as my father wails hook and sword blows down on him with the viciousness that almost killed me on my 12th birthday.

“Can’t.  Can’t help you, Peter Pan.  I’m too little, ” I say peering out from behind the cleaning robot.

“Hello, Little Kenny!  Then ain’t it time you grow up?  Dontcha kinda think, before your old man turns me into a fresh green salad?” says Robin as my father knocks him to the perfect lawn.

Bystanders cheer on my Hook father “Erase the suicide!  Williams shouldn’t be here.  Peter Pan should be in hell where all suicides belong!” shouts a burly man.  This deep dig greatly weakens poor Robin.

“I loved Robin’s movies.  He died of depression.  No different from someone dying of car crash.  This great artist deserves to be here just as much as you and me,” shouts a woman who looks like an amalgam of every woman I ever loved all rolled into one.

The burly man smacks the kind lady to the pavement, “Shut up and stay down, bitch!”

Seeing the violence perpetrated on this innocent woman, defending Robin in this nightmarish world of perfection causes something to erupt inside little me.  Little Ken wills down from the heavens the power of the DreamShield I saw the ET angels build in Italy in 2010. He wills up the the volcanic power of mother earth.  Instantly, I am my adult-sized again, only now I am young once more, about 27, and wear not my father’s red suit of failed ethereal armor, but the red, yellow and blue suit of Superman, my triumphant childhood hero.

I fly over to the fight at super speed to the fight scene, just as my father is about to make the death blow to Robin’s spirit, erasing him forever from human history.  I tap my Hook father on the shoulder and say hoarsely, “Stop Dad.”

My Hook father spins to me, screaming in my face like the madman he was in real life, when I’d shake but while I still faced him down, “You, worthless cur.  Every woman leaves you.  And who’s always the one to pick up the pieces?  Me!  Ha!  You stand up for a suicide after all I’ve done for you?  You make me sick, boy.”

“I am not your whipping boy anymore, Captain Hook.  Thanks for all you’ve done.  I’m grateful, Dad.  You were far from perfect and dangerous as truck full of nitro.  But I felt your love, your loyalty.  Now, seriously, leave Robin alone.”  I say with genuine love and compassion for my father, who though his sick mentally, was the only person I could ever depend on.

“Growed up?  Throwing away making millions in real estate to be an impoverished filmmaker at age 50?  That’s not grown-up, sonny boy, that’s bat-shit crazy.  You need to be locked up for your own good, ” says my Captain Hook father, motioning to some cops with a taser and straight jacket, hiding in the bushes.  They advance on me cautiously, afraid of my youthful Superman appearance.  Gone is the blubber of screenwriting in a chair for 11 years in Hollywood.

“I thank you for teaching me to fish, to hunt, to draw, to love.  I honor you, father.” I say bending to one knee before him.

“Ah, let me knight you then, boy!” says my Captain Hook father, bringing his sword down, hoping to cleave me in two.  But instead his sword shatters into a thousand shiny pieces without even cutting a hair on my super head.  I casually blow my super breath and “Matrix” cops sail off.

Robin flies into a joyous barrel roll above us, “Who hoo!  Sheetz is all grown up.  Heralds, play onto this fake world the Pandora channel of AWESOME!”

I stand and look lovingly into my dazed father’s eyes and take off his silly Hook wig.  Tears well in his grey blue eyes and Dad says, “Never could break you, Ken. Used to drive me nuts.  Today, I am proud.”

My father, as all who knew nothing of his epic dark side will tell you, gives the best bear hugs on earth.  And even in my super form I feel his power as he lifts me off my feet in a warm embrace.  For the first time in my life, I return his wild love in equal measure, bear hugging Dad right back.

Somehow Robin has impossibly wriggled himself between me and my father, whose dirty “before” t-shirt is now as clean and white as a Tide commercials “after” picture.  A Tide jingle plays in this fake world from a speaker on the cleaning robot.  I use my heat vision and melt the robot into a puddle silver.  Tinker Bell gazes at herself in the mirror puddle

“Sorry, no more product placements, Tide.  So big Ken and, Bill, isn’t your name?” offers Robin, all charm now.  My father nods “yes” respectfully.

Robin says, “Think you two, 20th century and 21st century marvels, can marvel all we trapped souls out of this corporate military industrial complex nightmare?”

“What do you say, Pops?  My light and your dark combined will crack Area 51 wide open,” I say hopefully.

bdblmp“I like it here, Son.  Fought in Korea to create all this perfection.  Welded the HARP mainframe myself, “says my dad sincerely, admiring his perfectly imperfect world.  A  blimp for Budweiser beer, with my jumbo screen of Aunt Katie swigging a beer sails over his head.

“This perfection killed your sis, Katie, Bill. It killed me.  I couldn’t hold to your insane standards of imperfect perfection anymore.  Lost myself in the booze and drugs.  I miss my wife and kids.  My fans.  Help your son.  It’s time we started over.   And this time the male and female must be honored equally,” offers Robin gently.

My dad scowls at his beautiful dead sister on the overhead blimp ad of her drinking a beer.  Without another word, he joins his hands to my forearms, as I learned to do getting off the boat in Antarctcia on 12.12.12, for the 24 meditations.  One for each time zone of the planet, now shifting the world with the help of millions of people like me.

“For my sisters Katie and Merytle,” says my father warmly.  He begins to darken as though covered with the grease from his life a welder and ace mechanic.

“For my birth daughter Janelle and spirit daughter Genevieve, ” I add as I grow bright from my healing inner child within, no longer so afraid of his father.

“For both your grandpas Julius and Clarence!” says my father, growing as dark as the dark matter of space itself.

Robin, still in Peter Pan form, flies happy circles around us.  His back draft spins my father and me into a Ying and Yang of dark and light.  Robin adds to the growing Metatron energetic, which is permanent, and says, “For Zelda and Marhsa!  For Susan, Zak and Cody! For all my family, friends and fans!”

Outside the spirit HARP facility, a single guard on night duty looks up from his McDonald’s coffee as the HARP superstructure starts to shake and rumble like an earthquake is happening and says, “Oh shit…”

FirefoxScreenSnapz019“BANG-A-RANG!” shouts Robin William as he rockets in glowing green Peter Pan form, soaring from the crumbling spirit HARP.

Below, my father and I are a whirling dervish of silver grey energy.  We spin at a super sonic speed that sets off a silver tornado, tearing the spirit HARP to shreds of flying steel.  Air raid alarms blare and I know our demolition work is done. And so I say lovingly, “Good bye, Dad!”

“Good bye, Son!” my father says and as he kisses me on my cheek, bright as a super nova, his lips dark as a black hole and… BAM!

A mushroom cloud of released spirit energy sends out a shock wave of compressed air that flattens every structure on the Area 51 base.  My father gone, I watch as a Grey’s alien ship, from which all the tech had been stolen to steal souls, rises from the ashes of the spirit HARP.  The silvery ship tips its thanks to me and Robin and races off to the stars.

“Guess that’s a wrap, Robin.” I smile, backslapping Robin so hard I almost knock him out.  “Uh, sorry.  Forgot I’m still in Superman form.”

“Lucky for you I’m in still Peter Pan form.  Bet you never knew Pan is more powerful than Superman, did ya?” smiles Robin as the dust begins to clear and stars come out in earnest above the cleansed Area 51.

“What make you say that?  Supes has mighty strong Jumaji.” I laugh.

Heaven Couldn't Wait Robin Triumphant Version“Because Peter Pan, who always wanted to stay young, understands better than anyone the power of kids.  And more importantly, our inner kids.  That’s why, smart ass,” says Robin playfully.

“No arguments here, Robin.  Well, I guess this is goodbye.  Stay Peter Pan, cut your tether and fly off with Tinker Bell to that new universe we built yesterday,” I say without feeling sad about a goodbye to someone I love for the first time in my life.

“Agh!  Not yet.  I want the lesson of the Hellos and Goodbyes to really sink in for you, Sheetzy.  So helooo and bye to several trillion souls that you, your old man and I freed tonight.  We’ll start with the largest beings to smallest.” says Robin.

A line of blue whale spirits stretch out before us, hovering over desert floor.

“Hello, Ken, ” the first whale calls to me in whale tones I understand as words.

“Hello, Elizabeth,” I say amazed I know in my heart that the blue whale’s name is the same as the woman Ohom, my spirit guide has told me is my prefect mate but who has yet to accept my invite to Sedona.  Elizabeth the whale holds out a fin for a shake and I say with zero anxiety, “Goodbye, Elizabeth.  I wish you’d wrap up life in LA and come to Sedona.”

Saying Goodbye without sadness or fear is super cool, Robin,” I say flashing the thumbs up to Peter Pan.  “I said bye knowing I’d faced all my father’s darkness with love and compassion.  I said it knowing since Ohom is right about everything that she and I will meet again and share many adventures.”

“Might be hope for you yet, Super Sheetz,” says Robin.

I look at endless line of trillions of spirits freed of the Area 51 HARP and turn to Robin, my Super cape fluttering in the night air and say, “Robin, man, this is going to take forever. I really do get it.  Hello leads to goodbye and the goodbyes simply lead to back to hello.  I’m cool now.”

Robin floats off gracefully on his back, still in Peter Pan form, above the ruins of Area 51.  Tinker Bell infuses him with fresh fairy dust for the long journey to the labyrinth universe we’d made together yesterday, Robin says with the satisfied smile of a job well done on his lips, “That’s what eternity is for, Sheetzy.”

“But I have work to do today.  Tax reports need –”

“Time is not linear, Ken.  So that’s one Hello/Goodbye lesson down and six trillion, 999 billion, 999 million, 999 thousand and 999 souls to say Goodbye and Hello to to go,” grins Robin as he and Tinker Bell rocket off, leaving a trail of pixie dust across the Nevada night sky.

I happily return to my training from the patient spirits tapped here since 1957 by the spirit HARP and ready to be free after they share the Hello and Goodbye abandonment healing to go onto all their next lives and their own Neverlands.




By Ken Sheetz

In my morning meditation I feel connection to the memory of my favorite, and sadly deceased, comic Robin Williams’ spirit to download a story for you, dear reader.

I close my eyes and begin to lucid dream. I picture he’s been sending me urgent SOS signals all night that he’s trapped in Area 51. I head in my trusty 2011 silver Jeep for the strange base when hail of machine gun fire erupts.  I spin the Jeep off the road and hide it safely in in a gully.  I love my little used Jeep, my first car in over 20 years since losing my shirt in the real estate crash of 1991.  I head back to Area 51 on foot, cloaked in invisibility.

Peter Pan and the battle of area 51

I’ve done complex meditations to evade psychic security screens before, particularly when I sought to warm the heart of icy banking giant Bank of America, but never have I experienced anything this intense before.  Trillions of trapped souls cried out to me from the beyond here at the dreaded Area 51, Robin’s voice being the loudest I followed his psychic trail.

The Orion Ohom informed along the way that Area 51 has trapped the souls of all the beings that have died on earth since 1957, both human and all the way down to bacteria.  To keep the souls from escaping Area 51 uses stolen Grey tech to create an alternate reality, a “Matrix” where no one or nothing knows they are dead.

I shift my molecules, a gift common to those abducted as kids by aliens like myself, and easily pass through the barbed wire fence.  I tiptoe past a sleeping guard.  I’m in.

I crest a rocky desert hill.  Faint light flashes beneath a guge spirit HARP camouflaged grid.  It is about a mile square and hums with a sick strange-colored alien energy.  Staying invisible, no guards challenge me as I prowl the perimeter, “Robin?”  I say.  “You in there, buddy?”

“Psst,  keep your voice down Sheetzy!” whispers Robin sticking his head out the barrier and then getting sucked back in.

I step across the rough desert terrain to the spot where Robin briefly poked out his head and turn on my red spirit armor.  This powerful armor was given to me by my dead father for my secret 2011 meditation to close down the Bermuda Triangle, blogged about here in great detail in earlier postings.  I’d give you a link but stick with me.  No distractions to this telling of Robin Williams and his work helping the planet and me heal from the afterlife.

As I step into the force field, I am instantly besieged.  Overwhelmed by deep sorrow.  Trillions of the dead life forms, collected here in Area 51 since 1957, all want to speak to me at once of their fears.  The insanity virus is visible in this buffer zone I see as a nasty flowing energy, the color of clotted blood.  I become confused.  Lost.  Every fear broadcast daily on FOX News and every other news outlet attacks me all once.

I will myself onward against a hurricane of terror about solar flares, radiation, fracking, Ebola virus and more and more.  My father’s red armor begins to spark and short out.  I trip and fall face first to the desert floor.  Epic fear rapidly eats away at my armor and my body becomes exposed to even more fear.  I lose hope as I soon lose consciousness.

I awake, my face cut and bruised to smiling face of Robin Williams, the age he was at death, looking down on me saying, “Sheetzy, Sheetzy?  You OK, bud?  Sorry.  Wow.  What a rotten way to start a Monday.”

I sit up on my elbows, winching at burnt skin on my face, tender to the touch.  This virtual world is a well organized paradise inside the spirit HARP.  Trillions of beings live in ignorant bliss in this spotless utopia.  No one is aware of the energy vampires running this place, it seems.  “God only knows the purpose behind all this damn perfection,” I groan.

“Yeah, let’s get the hell out of this Disneyland gone bad before we turn into Mickey and Donald, ” urges Robin, helping me to my feet.

Looking for some kind of exit, Robin and I enter a small neighborhood park with a lighted sidewalk.  The sunset is dazzling.  I whistle at the beauty all around us.

“Don’t be fooled by all the purdy flowers and birdies, pard.  The good folks running this place have about as much heart as a Hollywood lawyer,” says Robin dusting me off.

“Yeah, let’s keep moving.  Has to be some kind of power source running this joint,” I say as  small remnant of my father’s destroyed red armor clanks to the sidewalk.

“Sorry about you dad’s super suit.  Maybe get you a new one if you can get me out of here, Sheetzy, if you tell me your dad’s armor tailor,” says Robin sheepishly.

“Perhaps my old man’s ethereal armor fried because it’s time for me to learn to work without it,” I say kind of happy to be graduating for assistance from my erratic father.

“Cool,” says Robin petting a chihuahua looking for its master.

“Last time I saw you, Robin, you were in that maze world we built in deep space. Safe and sound in a new universe all your own made of the pure love of all who adore you.” I say, recalling yesterday’s epic vision blogged of here.

“Yeah, don’t really know how I got sucked into Area 51-ville.  Oh, wait…  Forgot to cut my earthly tether.  Yikes.  I am not good at this dead stuff yet.” says Robin apologetically.

“My fault.  Should have told you as your spirit consultant, Robin.” I say bear hugging Robin off the ground.  “Happy to see you again, man!  Watched you in HOOK with my last night.  Let’s get you flying again, Peter Pan.”

“Do I get any thanks at all?” says Robin to change the topic.

“For what?” I say

“For dragging your heavy butt out of the HARP barrier when you fainted, Sheetzorama” say Robin with that famed smirk of his.

“I did not faint.  Women faint.  I passed out, Robin, ” I say defensively as I eye a huge blue whale sailing in the early evening sky above us.

“Whoa.  Relax, man.  This roomie moving thing out has you as out of whack as President Obama’s lost  hope and change agenda.  We’re gonna have to straighten this child abandonment stuff of yours out once and for all so that you have enough juice to blast us out of this Walmart paradise.  Coffee sucks here, BTW.  Nothing but McDonald’s and they make you eat a double cheeseburger with every cup!  I’ve packed on ten spirit pounds already!” says Robin brightly.

pan_williamsAs I laugh, Robin transforms to his age and garb as Peter Pan in the film HOOK and says, “Ok, Sheetzy, it’s HOOK time.  Change to yourself age 8.  I want to do a Peter Pan healing of your inner child to pay you back for all the good work you’ve been doing meditating for me and my loved ones.”

“Uh, not really, uh, time.  Busting you out of here now before — “

“Go ahead.  Try, Ken.  Bust all 7 trillion of us life forms, including your own life force, outta here, Popeye.  Try, or better as Yoda says, DO!” said Robin with a comic bow.

I squeeze my eyes and try to use some of the new techniques I’d been gifted in the Mt. Shasta pyramid from spirit architect Metatron, all of which worked so flawlessly the night before helping Robin reunite with loved ones. A tiny ellipse of bright light forms between my hands and PUFF! goes out.

“Spiritual impotency alert!  AGH!  AGH!” laughs Williams as Pan.

“Point made,” I acknowledge to Robin as I begrudgingly transform to my frightened 8-year-old me.

“Come and sit on uncle Peter Pan’s lap, little Kenny,” says Robin taking a seat on an immaculate park bench.  “My lap is safer than Santa’s,  Come on.  Up!”

I happily climb up into his warm lap and Robin puts a big hairy arm around me.  With a reassuring smile Peter Pan Robin says, “Genevieve is someone new and wonderful in your adult life.  A spirit daughter is rare.  Appreciate her without smothering her.  Respect her when she says she’ll always be there for you, Ken, living under your roof or not.”

I nod quickly, wanting to believe Genevieve will not be leaving me forever, but little me is feeling very sick.  “My tummy hurts,” I say vomiting onto the perfect lawn.

“Thanks for not puking on me, little Kenny” says Robin, great with kids, Peter Pan or not.  He strokes my hair and offers. “Now listen carefully, little Ken.  Genevieve’s not your

“Hello, little Ken,” says Robin, shaking my hand and pumping my little arm up and down so hard that I giggle.

“Hello, Peter Pan!’ I giggle happily.

“Goodbye, little Ken,” says Robin patting my head.  Tears well in my big blue eight-year-old eyes.  My lush lower lip, beautiful I see now, but which my vile father called “Nigger lip”, sticks out, quivering.  Robin gives a frown and flies off into a perfect fake cotton candy cloud high above.

Little Ken whimpers to himself, “All alone!”  Strangers and animals pass, ignoring little me.  I feel so rejected, the orphan child and fall deeper into fear as suddenly the shadowy figure of my drunken father staggers up the pathway.

“Hello, little Ken!” says Robin zipping back into view.

“Hello, Peter Pan!” I say glad to no longer see my ominous father as Peter Pan blocks his view.

Goodbye, Little Ken!” says Robin.  He flies away so fast the suction messes the long mop of soft brown hair on my head into a swirl.  I spin around.  “Oh no…” I whisper.  My drunk as a angry skunk father is only 20 yards away.

“Hey, you little shit.  Get your skinny ass over here, ” says my father, slurring his words.  He guzzles down a beer and tosses the empty can onto the perfect trail. A park robot instantly cleans up after him.

I run and hide behind a ridiculously perfect set of bushes and there is Robin as Peter Pan.  “Hello, Little, Ken!” says Robin.  But this time before he can fly off I dive onto Robin’s leg and grab hold for life.

“Don’t leave me with my Daddy!  He will hurt me!  He’s mean!  Don’t leave me, Peter Pan, like my mommy, grandma and auntie did!” I beg shamelessly.

Robin sighs and takes me by the hand and firmly guides to where my father is waiting, leather belt in hand, itching to beat me.

“No!  Peter Pan please.  Fly me away to Neverland with you.  My papa is mean.  He’ll kill us both!” I beg.

“Time to face the real reason you get so sad when women leave you.  Your pops is an abusing jerk.  I’ll handle him like I’ve handled him like any other drunk hecklers in my standup work.  Relax, little Kenny.” says Robin tugging me along.

“NO!  NO!  My dad’s meaner than you can know!” I shout, but Peter Pan is too strong for me.  I can feel my angry father’s hot dragon breath as we get close.  I puke again on the manicured lawn.  The cleaning robot beeps in annoyance as he hoses down my vomit.

Robin as the Pan gets right up in my father’s face and shouts, “You!  You, sorry excuse for a human being, you should be ashamed of yourself for how you treat this beautiful boy of your.  You sir are a bad dad!”

“Oh yeah, faggot in green tights?  Whatcha gonna do about it?  Ken’s a rotten kid.  The little shit needs to learn respect for his father!” shouts my dear old dad, the veins on his muscular arms bugling as he put up his fists to fight.

“That’s right, violence solves everything, doesn’t it Captain Hook?”  As Robin says and at this my father’s clothes and hair transform into Captain Hook’s, hook hand and all.

My father pulls his sword in the blink of an eye and lunges it for Robin’s heart shouting, “Queer!”

But Peter Pan quickly pulls his sword and shouts in a fake gay voice to taunt my father, “The battle of Area 51 is on like Tinker Bell’s fairy dust, you brute!”

“No one tells me how to raise my God Damn kid, Fem!” shouts my father, striking Robin’s sword so hard sparks fly.  My father is a highly trailed US Army drill sergeant and his powers combined with Captain Hook’s are formidable.

“Of course I dare, you drunken fart in the wind!  Your old poodle Lacy would make a better dad than you, ” shouts Robin defiantly, his gay BIRD CAGE taunting tone gone.

“To the death, Pan!” says my enraged father, hooking Robin’s tunic and tossing him smashing through a billboard of a perfect shiny new Ford hybrid.

“Now there’s a product placement Spielberg would love,”  kids Robin, quickly dusting himself off as he parries swords with my crazed Captain Hook/father.

I bawl and hide my little eight-year-old self behind the cleaning robot, doing it’s best to keep this perfect fake world perfect.

hook-4My Captain Hook father does a spin and slashes open a deep gash across Peter Pan’s chest.  “Huh?  Dead and I can still bleed?” says Robin, stunned.  He looks at me as if wanting help. But I am a helpless child again.  Watching two people I love fight.  My father’s powerful sword blows make Robin weaker by the second.

“Oh, yes, Peter Pan Williams, you can bleed.  I am going to gut you like a fish!  I shall bleed all your life force into the HARP so that no one even remembers you.  Everything you ever created, every film you made, even your kids will vanish as if they never existed!”

“Hello, little Kenny?  A little help here, please?” shouts Robin as my father wails hook and sword blows down on him with the viciousness that almost killed me on my 12th birthday.

“Can’t.  Can’t help you, Peter Pan.  I’m too little, ” I say peering out from behind the cleaning robot.

“Hello, Little Kenny!  Then ain’t it time you grow up?  Dontcha kinda think, before your old man turns me into a fresh green salad?” says Robin as my father knocks him to the perfect lawn.

Bystanders cheer on my Hook father “Erase the suicide!  Williams shouldn’t be here.  Peter Pan should be in hell where all suicides belong!” shouts a burly man.  This deep dig greatly weakens poor Robin.

“I loved Robin’s movies.  He died of depression.  No different from someone dying of car crash.  This great artist deserves to be here just as much as you and me,” shouts a woman who looks like an amalgam of every woman I ever loved all rolled into one.

The burly man smacks the kind lady to the pavement, “Shut up and stay down, bitch!”

Seeing the violence perpetrated on this innocent woman, defending Robin in this nightmarish world of perfection causes something to erupt inside little me.  Little Ken wills down from the heavens the power of the DreamShield I saw the ET angels build in Italy in 2010. He wills up the the volcanic power of mother earth.  Instantly, I am my adult-sized again, only now I am young once more, about 27, and wear not my father’s red suit of failed ethereal armor, but the red, yellow and blue suit of Superman, my triumphant childhood hero.

I fly over to the fight at super speed to the fight scene, just as my father is about to make the death blow to Robin’s spirit, erasing him forever from human history.  I tap my Hook father on the shoulder and say hoarsely, “Stop Dad.”

My Hook father spins to me, screaming in my face like the madman he was in real life, when I’d shake but while I still faced him down, “You, worthless cur.  Every woman leaves you.  And who’s always the one to pick up the pieces?  Me!  Ha!  You stand up for a suicide after all I’ve done for you?  You make me sick, boy.”

“I am not your whipping boy anymore, Captain Hook.  Thanks for all you’ve done.  I’m grateful, Dad.  You were far from perfect and dangerous as truck full of nitro.  But I felt your love, your loyalty.  Now, seriously, leave Robin alone.”  I say with genuine love and compassion for my father, who though his sick mentally, was the only person I could ever depend on.

“Growed up?  Throwing away making millions in real estate to be an impoverished filmmaker at age 50?  That’s not grown-up, sonny boy, that’s bat-shit crazy.  You need to be locked up for your own good, ” says my Captain Hook father, motioning to some cops with a taser and straight jacket, hiding in the bushes.  They advance on me cautiously, afraid of my youthful Superman appearance.  Gone is the blubber of screenwriting in a chair for 11 years in Hollywood.

“I thank you for teaching me to fish, to hunt, to draw, to love.  I honor you, father.” I say bending to one knee before him.

“Ah, let me knight you then, boy!” says my Captain Hook father, bringing his sword down, hoping to cleave me in two.  But instead his sword shatters into a thousand shiny pieces without even cutting a hair on my super head.  I casually blow my super breath and “Matrix” cops sail off.

Robin flies into a joyous barrel roll above us, “Who hoo!  Sheetz is all grown up.  Heralds, play onto this fake world the Pandora channel of AWESOME!”

I stand and look lovingly into my dazed father’s eyes and take off his silly Hook wig.  Tears well in his grey blue eyes and Dad says, “Never could break you, Ken. Used to drive me nuts.  Today, I am proud.”

My father, as all who knew nothing of his epic dark side will tell you, gives the best bear hugs on earth.  And even in my super form I feel his power as he lifts me off my feet in a warm embrace.  For the first time in my life, I return his wild love in equal measure, bear hugging Dad right back.

Somehow Robin has impossibly wriggled himself between me and my father, whose dirty “before” t-shirt is now as clean and white as a Tide commercials “after” picture.  A Tide jingle plays in this fake world from a speaker on the cleaning robot.  I use my heat vision and melt the robot into a puddle silver.  Tinker Bell gazes at herself in the mirror puddle

“Sorry, no more product placements, Tide.  So big Ken and, Bill, isn’t your name?” offers Robin, all charm now.  My father nods “yes” respectfully.

Robin says, “Think you two, 20th century and 21st century marvels, can marvel all we trapped souls out of this corporate military industrial complex nightmare?”

“What do you say, Pops?  My light and your dark combined will crack Area 51 wide open,” I say hopefully.

bdblmp“I like it here, Son.  Fought in Korea to create all this perfection.  Welded the HARP mainframe myself, “says my dad sincerely, admiring his perfectly imperfect world.  A  blimp for Budweiser beer, with my jumbo screen of Aunt Katie swigging a beer sails over his head.

“This perfection killed your sis, Katie, Bill. It killed me.  I couldn’t hold to your insane standards of imperfect perfection anymore.  Lost myself in the booze and drugs.  I miss my wife and kids.  My fans.  Help your son.  It’s time we started over.   And this time the male and female must be honored equally,” offers Robin gently.

My dad scowls at his beautiful dead sister on the overhead blimp ad of her drinking a beer.  Without another word, he joins his hands to my forearms, as I learned to do getting off the boat in Antarctcia on 12.12.12, for the 24 meditations.  One for each time zone of the planet, now shifting the world with the help of millions of people like me.

“For my sisters Katie and Merytle,” says my father warmly.  He begins to darken as though covered with the grease from his life a welder and ace mechanic.

“For my birth daughter Janelle who has not spoken to me in 3 years, ” I add as I grow bright from my healing inner child within, no longer so afraid of his father.

“For both your grandpas Julius and Clarence!” says my father, growing as dark as the dark matter of space itself.

Robin, still in Peter Pan form, flies happy circles around us.  His back draft spins my father and me into a Ying and Yang of dark and light.  Robin adds to the growing Metatron energetic, which is permanent, and says, “For Zelda and Marhsa!  For Susan, Zak and Cody! For all my family, friends and fans!”

Outside the spirit HARP facility, a single guard on night duty looks up from his McDonald’s coffee as the HARP superstructure starts to shake and rumble like an earthquake is happening and says, “Oh shit…”

FirefoxScreenSnapz019“BANG-A-RANG!” shouts Robin William as he rockets in glowing green Peter Pan form, soaring from the crumbling spirit HARP.

Below, my father and I are a whirling dervish of silver grey energy.  We spin at a super sonic speed that sets off a silver tornado, tearing the spirit HARP to shreds of flying steel.  Air raid alarms blare and I know our demolition work is done. And so I say lovingly, “Good bye, Dad!”

“Good bye, Son!” my father says and as he kisses me on my cheek, bright as a super nova, his lips dark as a black hole and… BAM!

A mushroom cloud of released spirit energy sends out a shock wave of compressed air that flattens every structure on the Area 51 base.  My father gone, I watch as a Grey’s alien ship, from which all the tech had been stolen to steal souls, rises from the ashes of the spirit HARP.  The silvery ship tips its thanks to me and Robin and races off to the stars.

“Guess that’s a wrap, Robin.” I smile, backslapping Robin so hard I almost knock him out.  “Uh, sorry.  Forgot I’m still in Superman form.”

“Lucky for you I’m in still Peter Pan form.  Bet you never knew Pan is more powerful than Superman, did ya?” smiles Robin as the dust begins to clear and stars come out in earnest above the cleansed Area 51.

“What make you say that?  Supes has mighty strong Jumaji.” I laugh.

Heaven Couldn't Wait Robin Triumphant Version“Because Peter Pan, who always wanted to stay young, understands better than anyone the power of kids.  And more importantly, our inner kids.  That’s why, smart ass,” says Robin playfully.

“No arguments here, Robin.  Well, I guess this is goodbye.  Stay Peter Pan, cut your tether and fly off with Tinker Bell to that new universe we built yesterday,” I say without feeling sad about a goodbye to someone I love for the first time in my life.

“Agh!  Not yet.  I want the lesson of the Hellos and Goodbyes to really sink in for you, Sheetzy.  So helooo and bye to several trillion souls that you, your old man and I freed tonight.  We’ll start with the largest beings to smallest.” says Robin.

A line of blue whale spirits stretch out before us, hovering over desert floor.

“Hello, Ken, ” the first whale calls to me in whale tones I understand as words.

“Hello, Elizabeth,” I say amazed I know in my heart that the blue whale’s name.   Elizabeth the whale holds out a fin for a shake and I say with zero anxiety, “Goodbye, I hope you’ll finish your LA life and join me in Sedona some day. Don’t forget Ohom says you are my perfect mate.”  The giant blue whale vanishes.

Saying Goodbye without sadness or fear is super cool, Robin,” I say flashing the thumbs up to Peter Pan.  “I said bye knowing I’d faced all my father’s darkness with love and compassion.  I said it knowing my spirit daughter Elizabeth and I will meet again and share many adventures.”

“Might be hope for you yet, Super Sheetz,” says Robin.

I look at endless line of trillions of spirits freed of the Area 51 HARP and turn to Robin, my Super cape fluttering in the night air and say, “Robin, man, this is going to take forever. I really do get it.  Hello leads to goodbye and the goodbyes simply lead to back to hello.  I’m cool now.”

Robin floats off gracefully on his back, still in Peter Pan form, above the ruins of Area 51.  Tinker Bell infuses him with fresh fairy dust for the long journey to the labyrinth universe we’d made together yesterday, Robin says with the satisfied smile of a job well done on his lips, “That’s what eternity is for, Sheetzy.”

“But I have work to do today.  Tax reports need –“

“Time is not linear, Ken.  So that’s one Hello/Goodbye lesson down and six trillion, 999 billion, 999 million, 999 thousand and 999 souls to say Goodbye and Hello to to go,” grins Robin as he and Tinker Bell rocket off, leaving a trail of pixie dust across the Nevada night sky.

I open my eyes and smile that Robin’s still a vital part of my subconscious.


Dark Awakening – Part One

Nothing can stop me from loving my brother. – Brandy Norwood

Me and my little brother with Mom, circa 1959

Normally, I try to report things in my world kind of as they happen.  However, in the case of my brother and his dark awakening, I’ve been slow.  It’s been painful to share given he’s been the person I loved most in my life.  He’s been with me through an abused childhood that we share as a powerful bond. Hard thing is my little brother, middle of three of us Sheetz boys, is not always easy to love.

I’ve pretty much led a boy scout of a life.  Not always.  I am no saint.  I experimented in school with drugs and booze, trying to see if I could master what my dad never could.  Lucky for me, I was rescued by the love of a college sweetheart, a powerful Taurus, who would become my wife.

Later in life, after my divorce, I’m now protected by the good habits learned while married to a good woman for 18 years and most of all my own clear grasp that clean and sober is the only way to live a happy life.  My brother’s harsh life has served as a cautionary tale for me.  Share it with someone you love who is drinking and drugging.  If one person avoids my brother’s fate it will be worth it and is why ultimately I share “Dark Awakening.”

Unlike me, my brother never stopped self-medicating with substance abuse very long his whole life, from teen onward.  While we are together and with family he behaves clean and sober, if always with a beer in hand with a smoke.  The times in between are where his troubles lie.

On or about September 11, 2013, in that dark and disastrous 9/11 energy field, I see now as I write, I got a message from my nephew in the early AM that my brother was in the ICU after emergency surgery in a Kenosha Wisconsin hospital for a bleeding ulcer.  I raced in my rental car, soon as I had my flights and hit the road to Wisconsin and my sick brother.

When my brother’s emergency hit I was on extended assignment for my film business  There are no major flights into or out of Sedona.  So I drove two anxiety filled hours to the Hertz rental car store at the Phoenix airport to make my connection to Chicago then a drive from Chicago up to Kenosha.

As the Arizona mountains and cactus flew past the rental car’s windows my sad thoughts went back to July 31, 1990 and the pit of despair my brother fell into that harmed my family-life in a profound way.  It was my daughter’s 8th birthday party.  We celebrated my little girl’s big day in our new mansion in Lake Forest, all of us having a wonderful time in the abundance life was showering on me as the sole family breadwinner.

The phone rang as my daughter cut her birthday cake.  My wife answered, happily nibbling on the cake knife’s frosting.  Soon her face went white with shock.  She handed me the phone and said loud enough for everyone at the party to hear, “Ken, it’s your father.  He says your brother has lost his marbles and is coming to the party to kill all of us!”  A silence fell over my daughter’s birthday party.

I took the call, and my father, who was estranged from me at that time, repeated exactly what my wife said; my kid brother was coming to kill me and my entire family.  The fear in my father’s guilt-choked voice sounded real.  So I took action to protect my family from a brother who had gone insane, according to dad.  My brother had not been himself for a solid year.  Calling at all hours of the night.  Bringing a hooker to dinner. So this dire warning fit.

After my call, the police sent quad cars to patrol near our home.  My daughter’s party turned into a nightmare of fear my brother would appear any second with guns, knives or God know what.

My brother in-law grabbed a baseball bat from the garage and threatened to crack open my brother’s skull if he tried to mess with any of us.  Worried how fast my baby’s birthday party was escalating to a killing-free-for-all, I asked my angry brother-in-law try to break my brother’s leg instead, please.  That way we could pin him down for the police to deal with and not sink to his level.  My brother-in-law, a dentist my mother-in-law constantly compared me to as my better, reluctantly agreed.

Meantime, my baby girl, my pride and joy’s sweet little faced turned from joy to fear and sorrow.  “How could my brother do this shit to his sweet niece?” I wondered, infuriated.

The phone rang again and we all almost jumped out of our skin.  I answered this time and the police reported that they had intercepted my brother at a Waukegan bar about half an hour north of Lake Forest.  They said he was carrying no weapons except a legal sized jackknife and so no charges could be brought.  My brother had told the cops he never made the horrible death threat my father claimed.  My brother’s claim was that our father was angry over my brother taking his car without his permission and messing with us all.  This was far more acceptable to my heart even though I did not completely believe my crazed brother.  It was one crazy person, my dad’s word, against another his crazy son’s word.

The cops also said my brother was drunk and he needed a ride home back to Wisconsin to get my father’s car back.  My wife stuck with me, afraid my brother might hurt me, and we left our son and daughter with my wife’s parents, who shot me again looks of disgust.  This in-law duo had their own dark family issues I lovingly dealt with in the past.  Now that it was their turn to return the favor I felt no love at all from them.

I hated to drag my wife from the party and wish I hadn’t.  What a dumb thing to ask of her I see now.  My brother was my mess to clean up.  Ah, there’s the old enabling still in play.  More accurately seen from 2014 my brother’s mess was HIS to clean up.

But this was 1990.  Long before the tons of healing work I’ve done to recover from the many of the same child abuse issues, minus drugs and booze, plaguing my brother.  I’d not yet had a stitch of therapy. Though my great success as a millionaire at only 38 years-old made me appear solid, I was in fact a mess on the inside.  On this fateful birthday I was freaked out and not thinking clear.  My brother and father when they teamed up like this, despite my great successes as Chicago’s #1 real estate broker according to many and some fans in the press, had a way of making me a helpless child again.

When I met my brother at the Waukegan bar where the cops had intercepted him, it was the first time in 2 years I’d seen him.  The drinking and drugging and six months in prison had decimated his good looks.  My love for him usually so strong, now a smoking crater in my heart, as this phantom of my brother staggered into my arms.  He reeked of beer and cigarettes as he told his twisted side of the death threat story of our twisted father’s.

I am no fool.  I only half believed my mess of a brother.  I had seen how crazy he got on these binges many sad times.  He may very well have said what he said to simply mess with our father, I rationalized, not imagining my brother could ever harm me or my family.  Still I was disgusted at the mess he’d made of my daughter’s birthday party.  Despite the disgust I felt at the awful way my poor brother acted, the past shared feelings of an abused childhood, the tears, my love for him got the better of me. So I offered to help him get home with our abusive dad’s car.  At that moment in a way, I can see now I made a poor choice of my brother over my own new family.  I simply couldn’t help myself and my wife was sad I was getting sucked into this mess.

I drove my dad’s beater car while my frightened wife followed in my racing green Jaguar.  I’ll never forget the fear and confusion in her deep brown eyes flecked with gold as I watched her in my dad’s beater car’s review mirror, my ruined brother at my side taking solace in my rescue.  I feel it’s where she lost her love for me.  We’d end up divorced in 1992, but this was the fork in the road.

I shook off the thoughts of the birthday party from hell as I entered the northern suburbs of Phoenix, checking my review mirror to shift lanes to the Phoenix airport exit, on yet another rescue mission of my fragile, crazy brother.

This was my first time using that confusing and poorly laid out Phoenix airport.  I realized in my haste that I accidentally chose to the bus for wrong terminal.  The airport terminal bus driver, a man of eastern decent was making too busy making jokes, jokes none of which we white bread passengers found funny, to notice me trying to catch his attention.  It was like he had a captive audience for his bad comedy routine and he was not present for his real job.  Stupidly, I took his bad joke making thinking his humor made him kind. So I explained to the bus driver, “I got on the wrong bus for catching an American Airlines flight, sir.  I am on a medical emergency to see a brother who might be dying of a bleeding ulcer, losing all the blood in his body and needing 11 bags of blood.  I need to get to the right terminal, please.”

The bus driver’s reaction to my family emergency?  He pulled to bus over to chat up a security guard buddy on the curb at the next stop, thus delaying me further.  After his security guard pal reminded the joker Hertz driver that he had a nervous passenger waiting, the driver only offered to drive me to another terminal waiting area to catch another bus not the right terminal, mind you, just one along his route back to the parking lot.

Shocked at his glib shabby treatment, I again explained again how critical my brother’s condition was.  I pleaded, “Call your supervisor.  Just a short extra ride to the America Air terminal could mean me being able to say good-bye to a dying brother.”

Looking smug, relishing in my pain, the Hertz driver said with almost a giggle, “Not to worry, sir. The transfer bus is right behind me.  See?  You will catch your plane easily.”

Based on that promise I exited the Hertz bus in the 100 plus temp.  But, you guessed it, the Hertz driver was a trickster and the bus behind him raced right past me.  I waited a painful unnecessary 20 minutes for the transfer bus, trying to keep calm as I had visions of my brother dying without me at his side.

Drenched in sweat and badly dehydrating in the dry Phoenix air, I arrived at the American ticket counter to get my boarding pass.  I explained to the young female AA agent about my medical emergency.  The agent simply gave me my boarding pass and warned it was tight and they may  close off the flight before I got to the gate, in which case I’d be wait listed to a later flight.  “Please call the gate and tell them to hold the flight for me,” I asked.

“Sorry, sir.  We can’t do that.” said the AA ticket agent, at least with some heart.  No time to argue, off I ran for the gate.

To their credit the TSA people rushed me through upon hearing my brother’s plight.  Shocker to see TSA behave more kindly than Hertz and AA personnel.  I ran through the terminal for the gate, dodging passengers and baggage.  As fate would have it, my gate was at the end of the big terminal.

Panting and totally covered sweat, I nonetheless arrived at the gate 15 minutes before scheduled departure.  The AA gate agent, a heavy-set blonde woman with ice-cold black eyes, said, “Sorry sir, we have closed the flight.”

I pointed dramatically saying,  “There’s the plane. It’s still at the gate!”  I looked at my watch.  “There’s still 15 minutes until you are scheduled to depart.  Call the pilot.  He can re-extend the gangplank for me.  I have a brother near death, bleeding ulcers, I need to be on this flight, please, ma’am.”

This was not my day.  And so the AA gate agent coldly said, “Sorry, sir.  I will not call the pilot for you.  Against policy.”

Outraged she wouldn’t even make a try, I asked for her name.  At that point the gate agent silently did a comedic about-face worthy of Peter Sellers and escaped into the gangplank without giving me the dignity of obtaining her name.

1264302_10151688559572029_1233339662_o No agent to speak to or comfort me in an hour of family need, I walked to the window in despair and took this still photo of the plane. I also took a video as the plane just sat there for 15 minutes as I watched helplessly.  I posted it to YouTube under the title “Heartless Hertz and American Airlines”  It had 35,000 views before YouTube removed the video with no explanation.  But I can guess the reason.  These two giants are big sponsors on YouTube.  My heartbreaking video where I was emotional about missing the flight was going viral.  Sadly, it was a direct upload and is lost now forever.

I sat in shambles at the airport when my cell phone began to ring in my backpack.  Thinking it might be more about the medical emergency I hastily dumped the entire backpack contents onto the floor and grabbed my phone.

Sure enough it was my brother’s son, my favorite and only nephew.  He reported his father’s condition looked rocky but stable for the moment.  The docs were saying my bother was not out of the woods yet as the two bleeding ulcers were huge.  My nephew explained he’d made arrangements for me to take care of his dad’s apartment and would give me keys at the hospital.

I almost started to cry as I explained to my 28-year-old nephew, who was the host of my 1996 election show that would air on PBS, when he was only 11, his first paying job in life, that I had missed my flight due to not one but two heartless corporations.  I would be lucky to be in Kenosha by 1AM and I told Joe to do what he felt right.  But that if I made it on the next flight out, 5PM that AA had me on a wait list for, note wait list, no guarantees despite all that was going on, that I would grab a hotel for the night and get my brother’s keys the next day.

I made the 5 PM flight and was in Chicago and out of the Hertz store with wheels for the drive to Kenosha by 11:30 PM.  I decided to go straight to the hospital and booked a room on my mobile app from Priceline.  I made it to the hospital at 12:30 AM.  Fortunately, my body was still on west coast time and I was not tired, having napped on the 3 hour flight without the once nice meals.  Not even pretzels anymore!

When I entered the ICU I was struck by how badly bloated my brother looked.  He was on full life support in an induced coma.  They say that people in a coma can hear you and so I said, “Get well, little bro. Your big brother is here.”

Those of you who follow my work know I do planetary scale Reiki healing work called DreamShield.  Now, I had a very personal Reiki healing to do.  As I worked the Rieki I’d learned in LA I saw an angel join their energy to his.  I was told my brother would recover fully and not to worry.

Texts and messages of support on FB balanced out the negative effects to Hertz and American Airlines. It was 2 AM when I collapsed into my bed at the hotel on the Kenosha harbor.  The view of Lake Michigan was gorgeous for the ten seconds it took me to fall asleep.

The next day when I returned to the hospital my brother was off life support.  Though he was still deep in drug induced coma my spirits brightened.  My brother had dodged another bullet and was going to live.  A personable young Indian doctor told me how the two large ulcers had been cauterized and that he was doing well, but that this was not the optimal surgery.  Removing the affected intestines was the preferred surgery.  But he explained that my brother had lost so much blood when he was brought in that they chose the least stressful surgery.  Then his sweet face turned more serious and he said, “You brother is highly addicted to alcohol and is having such severe withdrawal systems he must be kept in this coma or he will burst his surgery.  And if he drinks again the ulcers will kill him next time.  This is his last ride on the recovery merry-go-round”

I nodded somberly, recalling how fast my brother had fallen after his summer awakening.  “Drinking and awakening don’t mix,”I thought to myself.  I could not picture my brother without a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other.  How he would ever never take a drink again was a mystery.  I had donated 100 videos to a recovery radio station run by a human angel named Bradley Quick and learned some things about recovery.  In 2011 I had been invited to Nashville to do a DreamShield meditation to end addiction in the world.  But could I do for my brother, getting him to quit drinking and drugging, what I’d never been able along with Mom to get our dad to do.

I had a lot of time to ponder these painful thoughts as I watched over my brother. I thought sadly how he had been planning to see me in Sedona for my birthday on September 21st, just two weeks from when all this was happening.  My brother began awakening from the old world over the summer of 2013.  At first it was exciting to hear him say how amazing it was for him.  The new powers and energies he was feeling.

However, the stress of awakening on him became been enormous for his fragile nature of an abused childhood he had never dealt with, unlike me an explorer of many forms of therapy, from EMDR, to Anger Management, to psychotherapy, and finally spirit work .  Without any of this grounding his awakening turned dark and set him self-medicating with God knows what.  The more I talked to my brother on the phone, as we planned his trip to Sedona for my birthday, the more imbalanced he sounded, and the more anger crept into our talks.  I called our mother to tell her of my worries that my brother was falling back into addictions that had ended him in jail in 1990.  Next call I confronted my brother, who has an epic dark side when he’s drinking and drugging, that I could tell he was off the wagon and he hung up on me.  When he missed our weekly calls twice and was not returning my calls, I worried more.

I recalled the brother who was so unpredictable as a kid, loving to me one moment as my closest pal, then laughing at me behind Dad’s leg as I was beaten to within inches of my life.  My guess is my brother suffers from un-diagnosed bi-polar disorder like I believe our father did.  It was a common bond with my Dad that I happily never shared.

To top off my brother’s dual nature is the fact he is a Gemini. Often I hear stories of terrible things my brother has been doing and, like my mom, because of his amazing sweet side and sadness, I tended to repress them in the past.  Now, I was no longer fooling myself and I could feel something awful was going to happen to my brother, perhaps jail again as in 1990.  Perhaps something worse with this new energy of the awakening distorted within.

So when my nephew called about the ulcers and the near death I was not surprised.  I did not hesitate on coming.  My guides said he needed my healing gifts if he was to live.  Now, instead, of a birthday visit to Sedona, here I was on what would become a 1o day visit to help him heal from ulcers predicated by a stressful life under an abusive father, who passed in 2011 while I was in transit on a meditation to Nashville to combat addiction in Nashville.  My brother and I had made peace with our father after a heart transplant literally changed him into a better person and gave him an extra 10 years of life.

But the wounds of a childhood of constant 24/7 abuse for 18 years of PST that he’d never faced and lost in booze in drugs were, I could see reading my brother’s comatose face as he moaned and groaned like a ghost, literally ripping him apart.  I spoke words of encouragement to my unconscious brother to let go of the past, hoping in his dream like state my words my get past his barriers for dealing with his dark childhood.

My nephew joined the coma-watch after his work day ended.  As we sat among the beeping monitors we talked about his father’s painful past.  How this rage must be drained if he ever recovered.  How meditation and lots of therapy had been my solution and would work for him.  My nephew thinks I am little crazy, like my two absentee kids, with all my visions and meditations I do for healing the planet, like the big one that took me all the way to Antarctica for 12.12.12.  Now, I could see hope and respect on his handsome young face.

My brother loved his beer but it gave him a headaches.  Combined with Excedrin he took to relive those headache the doctor, who said Excedrin should be an illegal drug, explained it had burned two holes in my brother’s stomach. Once again, I saw the pattern of heartless corporations again at work, bleeding ulcers, brought to you by the makers of Excedrin and Miller Light Beer.

A doctor was working for a giant medical corporation called Aurora Healthcare.  However, I read the energy of the ER staff.  All angelic and caring luckily.  My brother was in as good of hands as one can expect today.  The virus of corporations hiring heartless workers had not spread here in this ER in Kenosha near the shores of Lake Michigan where my brother and I played each day as kids on the beach to escape our crazy home life.

My nephew said good night and I continued on watching over my coma-brother.  Though he was off life support now, he was restless all day.  Shortly after his son left my brother became highly agitated in his coma.  I closed my Mac, where I was doing my best to continue doing my work for PhiSciences and the hit web series I’d created with Patrick Flanagan.  The great scientist had been looking forward to meeting my brother in Sedona. I slowly walked over the ICU bed, where nearly a dozen IV bottles filled him with drugs to keep my brother under and healing the delicate surgery on his ulcers as if in a nightmare where you have that feeling some monster lurks in the dark.  My brother was supper stressed looking, gagging suddenly.

Worried, I walked out to the nursing station and told the nurse that something was wrong with my brother.  The sweet little nurse a stocky young woman, no taller than 5 feet, humored me and reluctantly came into Fred’s ICU.  “Look up there, Mr. Sheetz, ” she said to me like she was talking to a ninny, “That’s a camera. We see all that’s going on.  Relax.”

Relax I could not and said, “Look at his breathing. He choking on his tongue.  See how he’s straining to breathe?  Can’t be good for the cauterization surgery.” I get amazingly calm in tough spots.  A survival skill I had to develop when my father lost his marbles every few days.  It was a bad sign I was so calm.  Big trouble had to be on the way.  My body knows these things before my brain.

My brother gagged on his tongue again as if on cue for the young nurse.  The veins on his neck showed how difficult a time he was having getting air.

“Look at the oxygen levels, Mr. Sheetz.  Your brother blood oxygen is 90%.  That’s very good for someone in his condition of losing so much blood a few days ago.” the young nurse said.

“My brother is an amazing swimmer.  He is simply breathing deep when he can in the coma and battling the tongue.  Maybe you should have left him on full life support.” I said, surprised how clearly I could see this with no medical training while this nurse was in some kind of denial.  I did not give a crap about her feelings.  My brother’s life was at stake and his agitation was growing worse.

“OK.  We will look into it, Mr. Sheetz.” the nurse said finally seeing how the situation looked worse by second.  He was sweating now and pale as a ghost.

I stroked his forehead and said, “Take it easy, bro.  They’re getting the doctor now.  You gotta relax, buddy, or the surgery won’t hold.”

Just then the nurse and I noticed at the same time a tiny dot of blood on the sheet covering Fred, between his legs.  The nurse pulled back the sheet… black clotted blood filled the entire bed area from lower torso to his toes!

“On my god!” I shouted.  The words pouring out of me like a single word “OHMYGOD!”

“You have to leave the room, Mr. Sheetz!” said the nurse.

I agreed but watched on from the hall as every life support alarm on my brother blared now.

I couldn’t look.  My brother was dying.  I felt it so profoundly.  I walked up the hall and called his son.  “The surgery ruptured. Your father is in grave danger.”

“I just got home.  Are you sure, Uncle Ken?” said my nephew, in shock having gone through near death with his father 2 days ago for the same ulcers.

As if on cue the PA blared.  “Medical emergency room 116.  Crash cart team room 116!”

“I’m on my way!” said my nephew, knowing his father’s ICU room number.

“Speed, Joe.  If a cop pulls you over, make them escort you.  He may not last much longer!”

As I ended the call I began seeing flashes of the good times my bother and I had shared as kids.  How he reached his hand across the nightstand to comfort me as our drunken father stumbled through the house after waking us all with his rantings to God.  How my brother ran for our father’s help when I fell through the ice in the forest behind our St. Francis backyard.

Then I realized the POVs of these memories were not mine but my brother’s.  I spun and saw the glowing spirit of my little brother, age 8.  “Get back in your body!” I commanded my brother’s confused little spirit.  Weeping, I thrust out my hand.  “Here!  Take my hand.  Let me lead you back.”  The dazed spirit of my little brother took my hand and I walked it him up the long hallways and back to the ICU where his 59 year-old body lay near death.

A doctor walked up to me as I watched his little boy self’s spirit slip back into my brother’s body as he convulsed in racking seizures.  The doctor looked like a cousin of Kevin Spacey and has the same no-nonsense manner.  We eyed each other up in a nanosecond and knew we liked each other. “I’m Dr. Needle — yeah, don’t laugh — the surgeon on this case.  You’re the patient’s brother?” To my handshake and nod Dr. Needle added. “Looks grim.  Your brother’s odds of living are slim at best. Prepare yourself for him to go into cardiac arrest any second now from.  He’s lost almost all the blood in his body.  The cauterization I did Tuesday has all ruptured.  He’s bled into his intestines and evacuated it out his anus in one gush.  Do you give consent to revive him if he flatlines?”

“I give consent for you to do anything and everything to save my brother.  I can’t think of a doctor with a better name to be his surgeon than Dr. Needle.  You radiate competence.  You’ll save my brother.  I have 100% faith in you.” I said.  I am a huge fan of book called BLINK.  BLINK tells of how we form complete assessments of character in the time it takes to blink.  It’s in second guessing ourselves that we go wrong.

Dr. Needle smiled at may calm nature and asked, “Would you like to be in the room while we try to stabilize him?”

“Yes.” I said without hesitation despite the horrors I knew I’d be in for.

“OK, wait here.  I’ll give you the signal when you can come in.

Soon, Dr. Needle waved me into my brother’s, now crowded, ICU room.  I’ve seen ER shows on TV.  Now I realized what bad “acting” all that was.  Here were a group of nurses, doctors and orderlies, some literally praying with folded hands and closed eyes, for my brother to survive.



Paradise Lost in LA

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
John Milton, Paradise Lost

By Ken Sheetz

Hypnotherapist Peter Bedard

Unless I had Peter Bedard as witness no one might ever believe all that happened to me on MLK Day.  Monday, as posted on my page on Facebook, I was set to have myself put under deep hypnosis by Peter, who I trust, obviously, as I’ve never allowed myself put under before.  In advance of the session I prepared a series of questions based on some of the tough skeptics I’d faced on Facebook in fund-raising that got me to Antarctica.  Peter would ask:

1. Were there ETs, German ghosts and Gods really guiding you to the South Pole to help save earth from a Mayan pole shift or was it all in your imagination?

2. Are you seeking fame or cult status from any of this work you are doing?

3. (Assuming it’s all legit as I feel it is) Does the Orion Ohom who speaks through you have any wisdom or warning to share about humanity’s future post 12/21/12?

4. What is the power behind the 24 meditation videos you are posting to to help humanity?

The idea: Film me under hypnosis and share all, no matter the results to challenge the naysayers.  But in the days since leaving Antarctica on 12.20.12, leading to the visit with Peter back home in LA many odd things began to happen, phones going dead, ATMs taking my credit card then going blank, forcing me to travel 7,000 miles without cash or credit, PayPal strangely disabled upon my return with messed up balances, cooking “accidents”, lost luggage, friends acting like strangers and strangers like friends, getting super low on funds but getting by just fine without money and more.

But, stubborn person I am, I pushed on ignoring all signs to do the hypno interview with Peter.   On Monday morning I showered, dressed, gathered my camera gear and headed off in a car a friend has kindly borrowed to me and for whom I am house sitting: Successful actor/insurance agent Tom Katsis.  It’s been my car all month, a treat for me over the cost renting them as needed as usual.  Tom has almost single-handed created the soft landing for my meteoric return from Antarctica after mounting a film production in the most remote and expensive place to travel to on earth.  The meditation videos would not be posting until Spring without him and the way things are going with my electronics who knows if they might have vanished forever by now.

Despite the money from the crowd I am personally out of pockets thousands of dollars for unexpected costs.  I’ve never been financially weaker in my life.  But I don’t worry about money like I used to as I continue to press on in the editing of the 24 meditation videos in the solitude of Tom’s home.  At least I have gained that much faith in the beings helping me.

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Lucifer Takes His Throne Milton’s “Paradise Lost”

Back to MLK day.  As I reached the Silver Lake area my Android phone’s navigation voice began to lead me in circles.  I kept ending up back on Angus Street.  Angus, as followers of my work know, is a Scottish earth angel spirit badass enforcer of the Galactic council protecting of our world as we ascend.  Peter was not available to guide me to his office despite repeated phone calls to help lead me out of the 30 minutes of the Angus-loop I was strangely trapped in.  It’s amazing how dependent we are on these cell phones for navigation now.

Silver Lake seemed to have no gas stations to ask directions where the Android guided me.  Worse though, I felt a cloud of confusion come over me.  A growing fear something was wrong about all this.

Peter finally rang me on the phone and told me the Android navigator had led me in circles 20 minutes away from his offices.  He had reached me just as the Android led me a dead-end on a tiny street, so narrow I could barely turn Tom’s Saab around.  Problem was navigation uses lots of juice and now my phone was running out of power.  Peter guided me all the way to the 110 for Pasadena and then I lost him.

The Android navigation was all I had again.  Suddenly every electric system in the car began to give signals of failure with a cacophony of beeping in concert with all the emergency lights, smack in the middle of the 110.  I pulled off an exit instantly and then the car completely conked out.  I coasted off the ramp and was stuck on a hill unable to push the car to a safe spot.

I’d had lots of coffee, as I do when I edit, before heading out and the hour in the car meant I needed to relieve myself.  There was not a bush in sight and I did my best to hide my business from cars going by.

Tom told me the nine-year old car might act up as he turned over the keys to me, but I never suspected anything like this, never experienced anything like the beeps and lights that sent me here on a side road called Stadium Way.  No worries.  There was AAA coverage for emergency service on the car Tom had assured me before he left town and I dailed the first AAA number I found.  “Closed for MLK day” the voice mail said.  My phone was nearly dead.  I decided to try Peter again while still could.

He explained the Android had taken me further away and that I was now 30 minutes away from him and that he had a client in 40.  The trip was a total waste.  But he was willing to cancel the appointment and come get me as I had no cash for tow trucks and still no operating credit card.

As I waited for Peter I decided to turn the Saab ignition and it started up smooth as silk.  I called Peter and we agreed it was too late for the filming and, besides, I told Peter, this all felt too weird to be coincidence.  I told him it felt like the ETs were unhappy with the idea of this interrogation of myself I was trying to do.

Heading back to Tom’s place in Sherman Oaks, the incredible sense of disorientation began to lift when suddenly the lights and beeps started again.  This time I was ready, put the car into neutral and coasted the car, flashers going.  I was coasting slower and slower.  I broke a sweat as there was no shoulder to the 101 here.  Lucky there was enough slope I made it past the insanely dangerous part of the 101.

The Saab coasted onto the ramp for Santa Monica Blvd and I pulled onto a shoulder, just big enough for one car in distress.  Now, there somehow was full battery power so the flashers worked.  LAPD was Johnny on the spot and the officer asked what my plans were.  I said the car was behaving erratically, sounded awful and I would call AAA.  All the time worrying to myself how low my cell phone power was to in fact make such a call.  The cop asked if I knew my coordinates and, having to think a moment through my confusion, I finally told him, ” Santa Monica and the 101.”  Then he was off and I was alone with Tom’s Saab.

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Paradise Lost

I opened the hood and the motor fan was racing. The engine heat was intense.  I checked the oil, full.  Checked the coolant, boiling. Nothing to do but call AAA I decided.  So I dug into Tom’s papers and found the national toll-free AAA number.  The operator asked for Tom’s card number and I explained it was not in the car..  The operator coldly explained there was nothing they could do without Tom’s ID.  I said, “Just look up his name and address and find his number on your computer.”  The operator calmly said “No, sir –” just as the Android went dead.

I had been editing for 3 weeks solid since getting back to LA.  All to get the cool footage from Antarctica, that includes an amazing rescue at sea and wedding, up on Youtube.  And it has paid off.  News services are broadcasting clips now in 180 markets.  But in my rush to make the editing happen I’ve burned the last of my cash reserves.  I sat on that lonely ramp without power, without money, wondering what the hell this was all about and how I’d ever solve this one.

Then I surrendered to the moment,  “Sorry I doubted you guys.  This wasn’t about proving something to doubters on FB but my own doubts,” I said the blue LA sky as cars whisked past on the 101.  A joyous flow I was now out of synch with.  Another hour passed, again my middle-aged old kidneys got the better of me and I used the Saab as cover.  I tried the Saab again and it started up a bit then conked out again.  Now, I could tell that if the Saab cooled a little more it would run again, but not enough to get me home the way it sounded.

If I was to rescue Tom’s car from a city tow truck and the impound lot that would cost a small fortune I had to take action.  I could see a few shops at the top of the Santa Monica Blvd ramp that looked open despite the MLK holiday.  I  decided to risk leaving Tom’s car to try to find a phone. How I’d know anyone’s number without the Android I had no idea.  But I slung my camera bag over my shoulder and made my way along the treacherous dirt path after the emergency asphalt ended.  An expedition more dangerous that anything I’d experienced in the eight days of expeditions in Antarctica.

I entered a copy store and the women running it were busy.  Persian was my guess, fearing a language barrier might be an issue.   Finally I caught the eye of a young lady who spoke perfect English.  Yes, I was back in America after all.  I explained my situation and she offered me her Iphone to call.  But I didn’t know anyone’s number by heart in this speed dial era.  I asked if I could use the PC on the store counter and she kindly agreed.

Soon I had Peter Bedard on the phone, Peter, who as you can see in blogs below was the savior of the Antartica boat trip.  But all the snafus with PayPal and a deadbeat donor of a $1,111 commitment, who I could strangle by this point for all the trouble he’s caused me, had still left Peter holding the bag on $444.  So when he asked me what I needed, and that to me was a tow, he said the most he could do for me is get me back to base in Sherman Oaks.  I accepted knowing there I’d have the web and be able to charge up my usually trusty Android phone for help.

I was a miffed that someone I was trying to promote by subjecting myself to hypnosis, something I’ve never let anyone do, was unwilling to pay for a tow, especially after all he’d done for Antarctica. But, deciding that was all ego, I kept my big mouth shut.  I told Peter I needed to move the Saab for that plan to work, to buy time to solve the AAA situtation.  I asked Peter to call me back at the copy lady’s Iphone number in 10 minutes and hurried back to the Saab.

Making my way back along the dangerous dirt path again, I hopped in the now simmering Saab interior and thankfully it rumbled to life.  I edged the Saab into ramp traffic  and up the short bit of the ramp until  a huge white pickup truck blocked my way.  The damn truck was not making the legal right turn and the Saab was ready to stall out again.  It would be in a rotten spot that would get the Saab towed for sure.  So I laid on the horn with a sharp blast.  The white pickup truck moved about a foot and stopped again.  I looked around and could see no sign of a no right turn sign so this time I honked to horn continuously.

Finally,  just as the Saab was about to stall, the anal retentive trucker raced off.  But a block ahead the white was blocking the quick left turn I needed to make in the Jon’s foods parking lot!  But as I got close the driver saw me in the mirror, emergency lights flashing, engine smoking and got what was happening and cleared the way for me to rumble past in the car that seemed to be falling apart by the second.

The Saab shuddered as I killed the ignition and coasted into a parking place.  Now I realized how badly dehydrated I was and hurried into the Jon’s store to grab a quick water.  Nothing was quick for me this MLK day.   A huge line was at every counter.  I said screw and walked out with the water.  If anyone stopped me I’d explain I was going to pass out from being on the road for 4 hours now, lost in LA.  But no one did.

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Lucifer’s Fall from Milton’s “Paradise Lost”

I hurried back for copy shop and a heard a loud angry voice behind me that sounded a drunk, “I’ll kill your mother!”  I turned around no one was there.  This had turned from freaky to scary.  But I realized I was slow in turning around.  Could have just been a drunk prankster.  I chose to think so.  My guides put me in odd situations but they are always gentle and it didn’t fit to make a death threat on my innocent 82-year-old mother.

Inside the copy shop the young lady smiled sadly and said I’d missed my friend’s call.  I asked if I could try to reach Perter and use her Iphone.  The young Persian happily agreed, getting a kick out of this like a living reality show.  I thought about America and what jerks we are to Iranian people.  I’ve never met one I didn’t like.  They are great people with a culture far older than ours.  All this energy came through from her.  The water had refreshed me.  I got Peter on the second try and he was on the way.

I thanked the ladies of the copy store and exchanged contact info.  I wanted to be in touch.  The older woman asked me who I was and what I was doing stuck here.  I explained the filming of the hypnosis and the beings I wanted to go deeper exploring.  She said, “Take all this trouble as a sign to maybe not look so deep, my friend.”  I nodded yes and could have kissed her for her kindness she and what must have been her daughter had shown me and hurried back to the Jon’s parking lot.

Soon Peter was there in his sporty yellow car.  I hopped in and we rode in tense silence for Sherman Oaks, 20 miles away.  Peter has a huge heart and I knew he was feeling bad about not being able to help me more than this ride back to base.  So I broke the silence with a recap of all the weird stuff I was going through.  Peter, who runs holistic business called CreateYouHealth that’s packed with good info, asked, “Why do you think the beings don’t want you to be hypnotized?”

I thought as Peter, a good driver like most spirit people I meet, gracefully dodged traffic up the 101 for my home base in Sherman Oaks, the part of LA I always feel at home in.   I answered, “The Angus galactic spirit is angry about my lack of faith after all he and the beings have seen and done with me.  I feel like I am being fucked with.  Punished like some kid and I don’t like it.”

Rather than looking at me like I was nuts Peter said, “You know, you can tell the beings that treatment is totally unacceptable to you.  I know I did when they were messing with me.”

Tears welled in my eyes.  Here was a brother doing all for me he could.  Soon I was home and I gave Peter the best hug in a car I could manage.

I won’t bore you with the hellish 2 more hours of getting AAA to call Tom in Asia and then AAA losing the reference info and my having to go through the whole authorization again.  The whole time it felt like the corporate shell game of taking our money and then making it difficult to use the services when you need them.  I’ve done million dollar real estate deals that were less complicated than getting a tow as a guest car user.

After this painful 2 hours I needed to get myself back to the Saab again some 20 miles away.  I called a few friends having my phone back in service again.  In no time at all a beautiful light worker and friend came to my rescue and we made it back as the AAA tow truck just before they were ready to leave.

When I was all over my amazing friend offered dinner at El Tacito.   I was trembling from the stress of the day and her solution was to hold my hand as we each downed big glasses of frosted amber Mexican beer.  We had fun talking about the Shift.  A fine end to a day of being lost in the Paradise of LA.

BTW, I am still way out of synch with this reality.  Peter sensed it and said I need to realign my energy.  In other words, I am causing the trouble not my guides.  I am not quite in this dimension.  In fact,  I just reproofed this entire blog as what I had worked for 2 hours on in the second draft just vanished.   So apologies if there are typos.  Sigh….

And will I go for another try with Peter on the hypo therapy session?  Yes, if I can truly know I believe in my heart all this is true and more than more overactive imagination, name of my production company in honor of a loving, if misguided, grandmother, who never tired of trying to break my belief in my visions as a child.


“Top of the world, Ma!” – James Cagney WHITE HEAT

Spirit Reporter – Ken Sheetz

Angels do not condone violence as a solution, nor do I.  Not to say I won’t pop a guy one, with fair warming, if he pushes me too far.  I may see angels but I sure ain’t one.  Angels simply work in ways that are 5th dimensional and so they show me things in symbolic 3 dimensional ways I can understand and report to you.  Or for all I know they’ve added something to the water in LA.  I have no idea why I am seeing all this as an ongoing vision for 18 months solid now.  And what you see on my blogs is only about 20% of what I see.  I could literally write about all this 24/7 and never catch up.

A few nights ago I meditated and asked the DreamShield to show me what the angels were up to in the quest for gentle 2012.  I was whisked from LA to Chicago, where hundreds of earth angels, dressed like 1930’s mobsters, were shooting up my kinda town!

Earth angels zipped through the skies and skyscrapers of the loop, blasting away mercilessly at evil spirits corrupting our legal system and government.  Legions of lawyer and judge demon spirits were blown away with the angel Tommy guns blasting bullets of lethal light.  I laughed for joy at this unexpected angel work in my adopted home town!

On LaSalle Street I watched in wonder as none other that the great Humphery Bogart led a raid on the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

I shouted to Bogey, “The Fed was a client of mine.  The people I worked with seemed like regular Joes.”

“Who the heck are you?”  Bogey said spinning on me.

“Ken Sheetz, a spirit reporter for the work of a gentle 2012.” I said as I held up my humble Flip camera.

“I’m huntin’ demons sucking the life outta Gaia, not regular Joes or dames!  Got it?!” said Bogey shouting in my face, not a smart thing to do with my childhood of having a Drill Sargent dad, but I liked what Bogey was up to and let it slide.

“How about a gun for me then?”

“Swell.  Jimmy give the junior reporter a heater!” Bogey said with relieved chuckle.

None other than the great James Cagey slapped a Tommy gun in my hands. “Welcome to the gang, kiddo.  Be sure you get my good side, my left, in any photos or I’ll brain you.”

“Ok boys, time to cut the Fed’s credit line!”  Bogey shouted.

“Kill any demon that moves and the ones that don’t.” added Cagney as the angel gangsters all cheered.

Guns blazing, Bogey led our charge into the Federal Reserve lobby.  Demon guards drew ray gun pistols that were no match for the angels hail of light bullets.  Even your faithful reporter lost all journalistic objectivity and got in demon kills.  And before you know it the battle was done, the lobby clear.

“Nothing here but a stinking money museum!” Bogey fumed.

“How’s about this? ” said Cagney pointing to an armored elevator door locked tight with an electronic keypad.

“Try 11 -11-11 as the combo,” I offered.

Cagney rolled his eyes. “No pathway to Gaia’s gonna be some lame combo any sap could stumble on.”

“Do like he says!” Bogey snapped.

Cagney complied punching in all the numbers, “See? No dice.”

“Add four more 11s for 11:11 PM. No, wait, four more 11s for AM too.”

Cagney punched in the numbers. “Crap.  So many ones I lost track!  Your honor Mr.Elevens.”

I counted on my fingers saying, ” 11.11.11 and 11:11 AM and PM.  That’s 7 -11s, fourteen ones.”  and punched in the numbers.  Not an easy task as I thought as the pattern on the keypad kept shifting and the #1 hopped to another spot every couple of seconds.  But as I punched in the 14th one, the heavy armored elevator door opened.

What we saw was not good however.  No elevator, just darkness and showers of sparks where the elevator cab should have been.

“Wise guys cut the cords.  Gotta make a jump for it.” Bogey said looking down the miles deep shaft filled with dangerous sparking wires.

“Well, boys, in for a dime… ” shouted Cagey as he jumped past Bogey into the shaft.

The rest of the angel gang followed.

“Sheetz, stay behind and watch our backside.” said Bogey jumping into the fray and not giving me time to argue.

I peered down the scary elevator shaft, filming the brave angels battle slithering snakes of dark energy.  Something stunk.  I was aware of an evil presence.  I spun and looked smack into the face with a giant golden snake.  Its pitiless eyes looked right through me with the heartless effectiveness of a credit report.

“Stand aside, mortal.  Thisss is not your fight.” the golden snake spoke!

I raised my Tommy gun.  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

The snake leaped for me, fangs dripping with venom.  My Tommy gun blazing, the snake and I fell together down the elevator shaft.   ‘

I found myself in my boardroom at my Chicago real estate company. My partner and I were laughing as my construction manager sweated bullets.  It was 1990, one year before my fall from the easy credit I had ridden to the top of Chicago’s commercial real estate world.  We all laughed as the prospective “tenant” and took off her clothes in the middle of our employee’s presentation.

Bats flew at me as the snake hissed, “How can a man with so little respect for women that he’d bring a stripper to come into his company’s offices be a champion of Gaia?”

The snake was right. I had no comeback and it infuriated me.  I drew my sword and switched on my red ethereal armor for battle as we fell for the center of the earth.

“Rage is your answer and your undoing!” said the snake as it bit right through my armor.  Armor had never failed me and now in over  a year of these visions.  Poison raced through my veins.  The speeding tumble of wires and the laughing gold snake faded.

It was 1991, I was in my family room hollering like a crazy man at my wife.  Still, she bravely refused to sign the second mortgage papers I shoved in her face, papers that would have given me $250,000 to keep my failing real estate company alive.

The golden snake and I hit beam as it bit into my leg, fangs piercing me the bone.  As we plumeted for the depths, locked in mortal combat, I saw a fevered parade of all the women I’d somehow hurt in my life, a fiance’, lovers, friends, co-workers, my daughter, my mother, even my Irish grandmother.

The snake was right!   How could a chauvanist-jerk like me help the angels free Gaia’s heart from the vampire energy of the Fed tapping her dry?

“I’ve pumped enough poison into you to kill ten men! Why do you still persissst?”  the golden snake hissed, shaking me in its jaws like a limp rag doll.

By the freshness that flowed in the dank elevator shaft I knew angels were near.  Bogey flew past as he took aim at the great serpent.  “Because Sheetz is already dead and now, snake, so are you!”  The angels opened fire and the snake vaporized in a hail of angelic fire.

Cagney caught me in his arms, “Gotcha, kid!”

“What did, Bogart, mean I am already dead?” I asked, feeling better already.

“Get some sleep now.  We got miles left to go.  Christ you’re heavy!” Cageny complained as I drifted off.

I sat alone on Oak Street beach of Lake Michigan.  It was winter 1992.  Snowflakes swirled as I stared at the waves.  I’d lost everything, my skyscraper, my cars, my company, my wife and kids.  I walked into the icy water and kept walking until I was deep beneath the lake and I drowned.

I blinked awake in a great cavern, Bogart, Cagney and the angels all about me.  “But if I died in 1992 how am I still alive in 2011?,” I said raising my throbbing head.

“Are you alive?” chuckled Bogart.

“Seems like I am,” I said checking my pulse.

“Look, kid, this ain’t no time for a lecture on mutli-verses.  Alls that’s important you showin’ up to record what the angels do and give the people hope.  Now shoot your camera over there.”

Note Cagney’s wings of flame in the film WHITE HEAT? I saw him blow up the tap to Gaia before finding this amazing still.

Bogey pointed to Cagney who was placing dynamite atop the energy tap the fed had to the core Gaia.  The tap flowed with her precious blue-white energy to Federal Reserve and World Bank siphons all across the earth.

Now an army of snakes rose from the ashes of the old and surrounded Cagney.

“Get outta there, Jimmy. We can try this another day!” shouted Bogey.

“Got my left side, Sheetzy?”

I flashed Cagney the thumbs up as I had him my Flip camera’s view finder.

“Made it, Ma!  Top of the world!” Cagney shoved down the plunger.

The cavern filled with explosions and fire that made hell seem like a picnic.  I couldn’t see him, in the smoke and fire, but I heard Bogey shout,”Gaia is free!

I rose to full consciousness from my meditation, knowing in some crazy way that what I see the angels doing on another plane of reality helps our world, but wondering if I am in fact a ghost.

Your love donations at the PayPal link on the page help me report work on the angel visions which, hopefully with your help, I will one day gather into a book.